Example app showing how to pick a file on both web and desktop.
The web application can be accessed here:
For native:
On linux install dependencies of rfd as applicable. Copied from https://docs.rs/rfd/latest/rfd/#linux--bsd-backends
GTK backend is used with the
Cargo feature which is enabled by default. The GTK3 backend requires the C library and development headers to be installed to build RFD. The package names on various distributions are:
Distribution Installation Command Fedora dnf install gtk3-devel Arch pacman -S gtk3 Debian & Ubuntu apt install libgtk-3-dev
cargo run
For web:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install --locked trunk
trunk serve --open
There is also an alternate example implementation that uses poll-promise instead available herehttps://github.com/c-git/egui_file_picker_poll_promise.