First and foremost, like anything we build, this is a work in progress which will only become better (hopefully) with time.
In general, the goal of the site itself was to sell my visitors on my talent by providing a simple, minimalistic experience. Keywords here: "simple" and "minimalistic". As you will see, these keywords are the backbone of the experience.
I wanted a simple design so that no one would get lost or confused. I accomplished this with a few techniques: navigation, arrows, buttons, and a timeline.
The navigation itself is clear and fixed. The user can access it an point within the application and the options are limited. I used arrows to make it clear to the visitor that "there is more" which avoided any chance that the user would simply miss it. My buttons were large and obvious. I used animations to invite the user to "click me".
Lastly, I used a timeline to clearly map the most important information in a very simple intuitive way. Often times, when I see other website's display their portfolio, the information you are looking for is obscure and it is riddled with confusing links that take you away. However, with the timeline, I clearly detailed everything you wanted to know and provided the links on separate tabs to keep visitors engaged.
To tie in the simplicity of the application, I used minimalistic techniques to keep my visitors focused and calm. I primarily stuck with neutral colors. I find that these colors are calming and clear to the visitor. I then coupled my neutrals, with a light shade of burgundy to bring excitement and focus to my visitors. I often paired this color with buttons and arrows to give visitors direction. I used large fonts to make it easy for users to read and to understand where they are. Lastly, I used bold fonts to draw attention to specific details within the application.
I believe, these are the techniques and stylistic choices I took to keep all my visitors engaged, excited, and informed. Thank you for being here and I hope this brought to light why I did what I did.
If you have any questions for me, please email me anytime. If you find any issues with the site or want to suggest something new, please open up an issue.
William Namen