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TT AvData Teleconference 2023 Jul 6

BL Choy edited this page Aug 12, 2023 · 14 revisions


2023-Jul-6, 13:00-14:00 UTC, Microsoft Teams


  1. Welcome >> Notes: Choy welcomed the team members and there was a round table introductions.
  2. Review agenda
  3. Updates since last meeting (Team)
    • Anna will confirm with Enrico the need to have each IWXXM sub-package to be maintained in separate sub-directories in >> Notes: No progress. Take off the action list. Will look at for another release later.
    • Anna will prepare document on GitHub and development/approval workflows. Copy diagram from MIE/10 paper. >> Notes: No progress. Choy mentioned that this important for demonstrating the work for transparency is the workflow.
    • All: review the changes documented for SWA and QVA within a week >> Notes: no progress yet
    • Dirk will ask about the difference between DAYSIDE and NIGHTSIDE >> Notes: not discussed
    • Choy will open an issue concerning the need to create new WMO Abbreviated Headers (TT as well as defining AA and ii) for exchange of IWXXM VONA and QVA on ICAO AFS
      • See notes in issue #321
      • Seems that the small team settled for TT=WM (TAC) and LM (IWXXM). Will confirm at upcoming WG-MIE telecon on 15 Jul.
    • Choy to provide a fix to the schematron for 3.0 and post it along with the issue discussions.
  4. Outcome of MIE/10 (Choy)
    • WMO Abbreviated Headers - As the proposal to retire WMO No.386 will only be raised in INFCOM-3 in mid-2024, it is still possible handle the request to introduce new headers for VONA and QVA. After that, the headers will be moved into a standalone document to be maintained only for aviation purposes at the request of ICAO.
    • Communication of IWXXM releases:
      • Workflow, distribution means and target recipients to be confirmed.
      • Recommend METP to inform all working groups to take into account the time needed for stakeholders to implement IWXXM changes (which could be 12-18 months after the publication of the schemas) in determining the applicable date of the associated SARPs.
    • IWXXM extension:
      • Global extension repository - MIE will continue to expedite implementation of the repository by ICAO.
      • Raising State extensions to IWXXM core - Further discussion is required.
      • Notification of changes to IWXXM core and extensions - Further discussion is required.
    • New IWXXM design - A trimmed down version of IWXXM, know as IWXXM-SX, is made available for experimental development work on new information services like aerodrome observation and forecast, as well as HWIS.
    • Retirement of IWXXM collective bulletin - Further discussion is required on the need to aggregate reports as well as the use of the WMO COLLECT construct to encapsulate reports for transmission.
    • Removal of TAC from ICAO Annex 3 - The plan is to remove TAC as a Standard in Amendment 83 (Nov 2029).


  1. Discussion on the progress of schema development (Choy)

  2. Forthcoming events:

    • Publication of IWXXM 2023-1 (May 15 Jun)
    • Conduct public consultation on changes in the proposed Amendment 81 (Jun to Sep 2023)
    • Review of responses from public consultation (Sep to Nov 2023)
    • Review and approve changes to IWXXM involved in Amendment 81 for FT2024-X (Tentatively Dec 2023. Approval date subject to when Amendment 81 is approved by ANC and the difference between the approved and proposed versions of Annex 3/PANS-MET)
  3. [Shelved] Outstanding work of previous meetings (Team): There were no further updates to these topics.

    • XSD locations for IWXXM packages (#271) (Jan)
    • On-going populating new examples in wmo-im/iwxxm-translation (Mark, Jan and Dmitry)
  4. [Shelved] Review outstanding issues with no milestones (Anna).


  1. Prepare FT2023-2 on the introduction of new WMO Abbreviated Headers in WMO No.386. Now intended for FT2024-1

Next Meeting

TBI - a Doodle Poll will be sent out to establish the next meeting in July.


  • BL Choy
  • Mark Oberfield
  • Ján Körösi
  • Boonchai Tepyose
  • Raquel Viquez
  • Rodrigo Cortees
  • Wilberforce Kikwasi
  • Anna Milan


  • Yann Génin
  • Dmitry Moryakov
  • Dirk Zinkhan
  • Youssef Darari
  • Hyein Yu
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