Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/peerdev/peerdev
Install Node (if you don't have it): http://nodejs.org/download/
Install MongoDB (if you don't have it): https://www.mongodb.org/
Install all the packages in
via NPM:$ npm install
Install Grunt CLI globally (if you don't have it):
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Install SASS & Compass (if you don't have it, you will also need Ruby if you don't have it) SASS: http://sass-lang.com/install Compass: http://compass-style.org/install/
Install a MongoDB Database viewer (if you don't have it; MongoVue is a good one)
Get your own AlchemyAPI key for free (http://www.alchemyapi.com/). Create a text file named "api_key.txt" in app/alchemyapi and paste the key in there. Because the key is meant to be private, you'll use your own key for the moment since this repository is public.
Install the standalone Selenium Server for Protractor (TBD - Don't do this yet)
$ node ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
(Optional) Setting up Webstorm/Pycharm for E2E debugging: https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/debugging.md
This app will use a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH versioning scheme. We will aim for the master branch to be 'deployable' at all times. MAJOR bumps will usually be the result of drastic changes to various APIs, features, models, or a major rewrite. MINOR bumps will be important changes but not a major rewrite. PATCH bumps are small changes that fix bugs.
If an "R" is appended to any version, it means you may need to REBUILD your repository. For instance, running npm install
add a new node module. PATCH bumps will never have an "R". See release notes for more information.
Before starting the app, you need to have MongoDB running.
$ mongod //or whatever you need to do to start mongodb
Runs compass to compile SASS, starts Grunt Watch for compiling SASS on file changes, and starts the development server.
$ grunt
Navigate to http://localhost:3000
#####Misc commands:##### Only run the development server
$ node start.js
Run compass to compile SASS
$ grunt compass
Starts Grunt Watch for compiling SASS on file changes
$ grunt watch:css