Using pandas to manage long .dat/.csv files 📄
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This project is a set of reusable functions which my colleague @paulinapralina is using for management of magnetoresistance measurements.
Magnetic field [Oe] is measured at certain angles (discrete values). Two experiments are performed for each angle:
- constant magnetic field with fast temperature change in a broad range, eg. 2-100 K;
- alternating magnetic field (measured for different temperatures whose value is almost constant). The latter experiment can be splitted into two parts: in negative or positive magnetic field.
Since aforementioned measurements are saved in a single, unordered and long .dat file, the main goal of this project is to automate their organization and separation.
- Python 3.10
- Pandas 1.5.3
- plot generation with matplotlip
- adding simple GUI
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please let me know 😄