$ UpdateText source.md [translation.md]
Refer to this file for detailed example.
Here is one of them, take a look:
Given I have following text in source file
# title hello world ## section0 which added later ##section1 lorel anaditum ## section2 -- with a long name even <span class="active">span</span> in it **lorel anaditum yanaghay**
And I have following text in my translation file
<!-- # title hello world --> title translation <!-- ##section1 lorel anaditum --> section1 translation <!-- ## section2 -- with a long name even <span class="active">span</span> in it **lorel anaditum yanaghay** --> section2 translation
When I try to sync
Then I should get following text in my translation file
<!-- # title hello world --> title translation <!-- ## section0 which added later --> <!-- ##section1 lorel anaditum --> section1 translation <!-- ## section2 -- with a long name even <span class="active">span</span> in it **lorel anaditum yanaghay** --> section2 translation