Spring Boot application, that implements a Authorization server for our Kubernetes cluster.
- Java 20
- Spring Boot 3.1.1 (with Spring Security 6.1.1)
- Spring Authorization Server 1.1.1
- Spring Boot 3.1.1 (with JPA)
- Postgres-Database
- Spring AOT native image on GraalVM (Liberica 17.0.7)
- Lombok
- Gradle 8.2
Native image app based on new Spring-Oauth2-AuthorizationServer, that runs in our kubernetes cluster
and provides logged in users via OIDC with JWT tokens. The UserDetailsService is provided with a JPA-repository,
that connects to a users
database accessed by the postgres-service.
The OIDC-login is triggered by a gateway inside the cluster (Spring Cloud Gateway).
Project started on 26.06.23
26.06.23 Initial setup with admin-client on client-credentials wotkflow with basic authentication
01.07.23 Add persistent User management on base of Spring Boot Web-MVC / Spring JPA. Integration testing.
02.07.23 Remove RegisterController (transferred to gateway). Authorization server now uses UserDetailsService based on the users-database (postgres-service). It connects via a JPA-Repository.