My solution to a data challenge:
*report.pdf: the report presenting my work on this data challenge, my different attempts and the results obtained
*train_input/moco_features: the features of the tiles of the slides of all patients of the training set
*test_input/moco_features: the features of the tiles of the slides of all patients of the test set
*supplementary_data: folder containing the metadata about each tile (zoom, coordinates of the tile within the slide, medical center ID, patient ID, slide ID...)
*train_output.csv: the ground truth labels of the train set (whether the mutation is present or not)
* the definition of the neural networks used to do the classification task (here, the one that matters is GatedAttentionDomainAdaptation)
* define a function that performs 3-fold cross-validation of the model and creates a CSV file with the ROC-AUC and the loss on each fold during training
*crossval_domain_adaptation.ipynb: calls the function defined in
*domain_adaptation_v2_fc256_gat256_fc128_fc64_fc1_batch8_lr1eminus5_epochs40_tanh_no_dropout.csv: the CSV file with the ROC-AUC and the loss on each fold during training which is the output obtained when running crossval_domain_adaptation.ipynb
*train_val_curves_domain_adaptation.ipynb: notebook with plots of the learning curves of the model during cross-validation
* runs the model on the test dataset