This is an AR.Drone PaVE video decoder for turboshrimp that uses xuggler.
(require '[com.lemondronor.turboshrimp.xuggler :as video])
(def decoder (video/decoder))
(decoder <byte array containing video frame>)
lein test
A sample PaVE video file is supplied in
. You can decode and display it with
cat test-resources/video-long.pave | lein run -m showvideo --fps 30 --file
You can see latency reduction in action with
cat test-resources/video-long.pave | lein run -m showvideo --fps 120 --file
You should see output like this:
06:34:36.905 [main] DEBUG com.lemondronor.turboshrimp.pave - Skipped 7 frames
06:34:37.049 [main] DEBUG com.lemondronor.turboshrimp.pave - Skipped 5 frames
06:34:37.191 [main] DEBUG com.lemondronor.turboshrimp.pave - Skipped 2 frames
Copyright © 2014, 2015,2016 John Wiseman
Distributed under the MIT license. See the accompanying LICENSE file.