xmppgcm is python client for Google (Firebase) Cloud Messaging using XMPP protocol. At the time of writing this, there is no similar library available in pypi repository. Technically this library supports both upstream and downstream messages. But I have not verified upstream messages. Currently the scope is limited to sending messages with device token and topic. Topic conditions or device groups are not supported. If anyone is interested to contribute kindly send pull request.
This library uses event based mechanism similar to what JavaScript does
All supported events are available in XMPPEvent class:
- XMPPEvent.CONNECTED - event when session is started
- XMPPEvent.DISCONNECTED - event when connection is closed
- XMPPEvent.RECEIPT - called if you have requested for message receipt while sending message
- XMPPEvent.MESSAGE - called when an upstream message received from GCM XMPP server (I have not tested this feature)
xmpp.send_gcm('your_device_token', data, options, onAcknowledge)
Options is a dictionary where you can give GCM supported options
pip install xmppgcm
from xmppgcm import GCM, XMPPEvent
def onAcknowledge(error, message_id, _from):
if error != None:
print 'not acknowledged by GCM'
print 'id - {0} : from - {1}'.format(message_id, _from)
def onDisconnect(draining):
print 'inside onDisconnect'
xmpp.connect(('gcm-preprod.googleapis.com', 5236), use_ssl=True)
def onSessionStart(queue_length):
print 'inside onSessionStart {0}'.format(queue_length)
data = {'key1': 'value1'}
options = { 'delivery_receipt_requested': True }
xmpp.send_gcm('your_device_token', data, options, onAcknowledge)
def onReceipt(data):
print 'inside onReceipt {0}'.format(data)
def onMessage(data):
print 'inside onSessionStart {0}'.format(data)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
logging.debug("Starting up")
xmpp = GCM('your_project_id@gcm.googleapis.com', 'gcm_api_key')
xmpp.add_event_handler(XMPPEvent.CONNECTED, onSessionStart)
xmpp.add_event_handler(XMPPEvent.DISCONNECTED, onDisconnect)
xmpp.add_event_handler(XMPPEvent.RECEIPT, onReceipt)
xmpp.add_event_handler(XMPPEvent.MESSAGE, onMessage)
xmpp.connect(('gcm-preprod.googleapis.com', 5236), use_ssl=True) #test environment
# xmpp.connect(('gcm-xmpp.googleapis.com', 5235), use_ssl=True) #prod environment
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
For library logging put following in your code
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
logging.debug("Starting up")
- Write Tests
- Topic Conditions
- Device groups
Apache License 2.0
Free Software, Hell Yeah!