My gRPC Playground
- Name of the message: UpperCamelCase
- Name of the field: lower_snake_case
- Some scalar-value data types:
- string, bool, bytes
- float, double
- int32, int64, unit32, unit64, sint32, sint64, etc.
- Data types can be user-defined enums or other messages
- is an arbitrary interger
- from 1 to 2^29-1
- except from 19,000 to 19,999 (reserved)
- from 1 to 15 take 1 byte
- don't need to be in-order or sequential
- must be unique for same-level fields
- is an arbitrary interger
syntax = "proto3"
message <NameOfTheMessage> {
<data-type> name_of_field_1 = tag_1;
<data-type> name_of_field_2 = tag_2;
<data-type> name_of_field_3 = tag_3;
Install protobuf
brew install protobuf
Install gRPC
export GO111MODULE=on # Enable module-aware mode
go get
Install protoc
plugin for Go
go get
Update PATH
so that the protoc
compiler can find the plugin:
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
protoc proto/*.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:pkg