Laraue.Core is the solution with often-using classes in other projects in Laraue.* namespace
A list of contracts to work with database
Often-used methods to work with DB using EF Core with integrated Linq2DB provider
Often-used methods to work with DB using EF Core
The package allows to use Keras models in .NET. To run the models, python 3.x version should be installed on the machine with packages numpy and tensorflow. To work with images Pillow package also required.
Example of yaml to configure Linux env on github workflow to run unit tests
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
alias python3.8="python"
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install numpy
pip install tensorflow
pip install Pillow
To run the model, BasePredictor class can be inherited
public sealed class BinaryClassifierPredictor : BasePredictor<bool>
private readonly BinaryKerasModel _isDogOnPhotoModel = new ("C://binary_model.h5");
public BinaryClassifierPredictor(ILogger<BinaryClassifierPredictor> logger)
: base(
new PredictorOptions(),
protected override NDarray GetNdArray(byte[][] byteArrays)
return NDArrayCreator.ForImageBatch(
width: 150,
height: 150);
protected override bool[] PredictBatch(NDarray inputDataBatch)
return _isDogOnPhotoModel.Predict(inputDataBatch);
Now predictions can be made:
var image1 = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync("C://image1.jpg");
var image2 = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync("C://image2.jpg");
var predictor = new BinaryClassifierPredictor();
var predictions = predictor.PredictAsync(new[] { image1, image2 });
Now the predictions variable contains two predictions, for the first and second images.