A workspace/context switcher for neovim. It allows you to open directories / folders and reset the neovim instance (like in vscode and other editors). This is especially useful for neovim-GUI's such as neovide, which you may not want to restart.
For quick questions feel free to ask on reddit.
Telescope is an optional, but a recommended dependency. I also recommend installing fd, but it is not required.
use "willthbill/opener.nvim"
Plug 'willthbill/opener.nvim'
You may want to pre-load the opener telescope extension.
The following vim commands are available.
:Clear " Closes all buffers, tabs and windows, however it does not close unsaved buffers
:Open <directory> " Opens a directory and clears nvim
You can call the telescope extension like this.
:Telescope opener
:Telescope opener hidden=false respect_gitignore=true root_dir="~"
From lua you can call the extension like this.
require('telescope').extensions.opener.opener {
shows hidden files, respect_gitignore
respects .gitignore
files (--no-ignore-vcs
flag), and root-dir
is the directory to list subdirectories from.
You can call the opener.setup
function to configure opener.nvim.
require('opener').setup {
pre_open = {}
post_open = {}
and post_open
are strings (vim-commands) or functions (lua functions) or tables/lists of strings/functions. lua functions will be given an argument, which is the directory, which will be/was changed to.
All commands/functions in pre_open
are called before the cwd
(current working directory) is changed by :Open
or the Telescope
All commands/functions in post_open
are called after the cwd
(current working directory) is changed by :Open
or the Telescope
When you set up telescope
you may specify default values for the arguments for the opener extension.
require('telescope').setup {
extensions = {
opener = {
hidden = false, -- do not show hidden directories
root_dir = "~", -- search from home directory by default
respect_gitignore = true, -- respect .gitignore files
You may want to map the telescope extension to a keymap.
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>o", ":Telescope opener<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
nnoremap <leader>o :Telescope opener<cr>
The following is an example setup of opener.nvim.
... -- packer setup
use {
config = function()
require('telescope').setup {
extensions = {
opener = {
hidden = false, -- do not show hidden directories
root_dir = "~", -- search from home directory by default
respect_gitignore = true, -- respect .gitignore files
require('opener').setup {
pre_open = function(new_dir)
print("Yay, opening " .. new_dir .. " in a moment")
post_open = { "NERDTree", function(new_dir)
print(new_dir .. " was opened")