Repository will contain notes for those planning on learing PHP. I will focus this for people to learn server side database driven web development skills. From reading through these notes and performing certain exercises, you will learn the basics in good coding practices, relational database concepts, structured query language (SQL), data validation, and web security.
The specific tools that we will be used in these notes is PHP and MySQL. You should have a general idea and understanding of basic HTML/CSS concepts, but this is not the focus in these notes/exercises.
PHP is still the most popular server side scripting technology used today, it is open source and runs on several operating systems including Windows, UNIX/Linux and Mac OS X.
The benefit of server side programming is the ability that PHP can interact with databases, which is why this will overlap with some fundamentals of database design and SQL.
For those of you who would like to contribute, feel free to fork then make a PR and update or add any information you see fit. This is under the MIT license.