A helper library to simplify modules transformation.
In a nutshell, parserl
is a recursive function.
The transform function receives ASTs
(Abstract Syntax Trees), and the output is also ASTs but transformed along the way. It can also receive a module name and build the module from scratch, which is used in the example below, but it isn't usual.
This is a work in progress lib.
Add parserl
to rebar.config deps:
{deps, [{ parserl, { git, "https://github.com/williamthome/parserl.git"
, {branch, "main"} }}]}.
Run rebar3 compile
% Use as parse transform ...
parse_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
% ... or start a module from scratch
write_module_from_scratch() ->
Module = parserl_example,
do_transform(ModuleOrForms) ->
Module = get_module(ModuleOrForms),
% Global options are optional.
GlobalOpts = #{ env => #{module => Module}
, log => true
, if_function_exists => append },
% Context is optional and can be anything.
Context = #{replace_temp_fun_by => "bar() -> bar."},
parserl:transform(ModuleOrForms, GlobalOpts, Context, [
[ "init() ->"
, " io:format(\"Module ~p loaded.\", [_@module])." ]),
% The _@module can looks weird, but it's a metavariable.
% parserl uses merl under the hood, this gives the
% power to do metavariable substitution.
% See the merl documentation for more information:
% https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/merl.html
[ "foo(Foo, _) when is_atom(Foo) ->"
, " foo." ]
, [export]),
[ "foo(Foo, Bar) ->"
, " case Foo == Bar of"
, " true -> equal;"
, " false -> not_equal"
, " end." ]),
parserl:insert_function("temp() -> deleteme."),
parserl:function_exists(temp, 0),
% if statements also accepts lists
fun(#{replace_temp_fun_by := FunBody} = Ctx0) ->
% Context can be transformed.
Ctx = maps:without([replace_temp_fun_by], Ctx0),
{temp, 0, FunBody, Ctx}
% The function above can be written as
% parserl:replace_function(temp, 0, "bar() -> bar.", [export])
parserl:write_file(["/tmp", parserl_trans:module_suffix(Module, ".erl")])
% =NOTICE REPORT==== 25-Mar-2023::01:27:53.989528 ===
% File saved in /tmp/parserl_example.erl
% ---
% -module(parserl_example).
% -export([foo/2]).
% -export([bar/0]).
% init() ->
% io:format("Module ~p loaded.", [parserl_example]).
% foo(Foo, _) when is_atom(Foo) ->
% foo;
% foo(Foo, Bar) ->
% case Foo == Bar of
% true ->
% equal;
% false ->
% not_equal
% end.
% bar() ->
% bar.
% ---
get_module(Module) when is_atom(Module) ->
get_module(Forms) when is_list(Forms) ->
- Improve this README file
- Functions documentations
- Functions specs
- Test everything
If you liked this or any of my libs, please consider sponsoring me.
I'm thankful for your never-ending support ❤️
I also accept coffees ☕
Feels free to submit an issue on GitHub.
is under the Apache 2.0 License. Please refer to the included LICENSE file for more information.
This lib uses merl and parse_trans under the hood, so, many thanks to Richard Carlsson and Ulf Wiger.