A project from my second year at university. A version of Tetris to demonstrate the ability to develop an application to specific instructions within the Java programming language. As such, by default this version of Tetris makes use of an alternate scoring system as defined by the project requirements. As an additional feature, a more traditional scoring system can be accessed from the game over state by pressing the "S" key.
- Left Arrow - Move the Tetrimino left.
- Right Arrow - Move the Tetrimino right.
- Up Arrow - Rotate the Tetrimino.
- Down Arrow - Soft drop the Tetrimino.
- Space - Hard drop the Tetromino.
- P - Pause/Unpause the game if one is running.
- R - Restart the game if a game over has been reached.
- S - Switch scoring mode between simple and complex. Only works in the game over state.