This template was tested with IDF 4.4.3 version
this project depends on cryptoauthlib component that already is included inside this repo as part of source code , you can check a newer version on it source or add it.
run menuconfig menuconfig
select component config > ESP-TLS.
- Enable Secure Element
if not have a server certificate or don't want to configure one, enable the followings options
- Enable: Allow potentially insecure options (if you don't want to configure a server certificate)
- Enable: Skip server certificate
go to component config > mbedTLS
- Enable Hardware ECDSA sign acceleration when using ATECC608A
- Enable Hardware ECDSA verify acceleration when using ATECC608A
Firstly create an Azure IoT Hub, create at least one device to copy it device id
at main modify following macros
IOTHUB_NAME: your iot hub name, you can visualize it on URL {iot-hub-name}
IOTHUB_DEVID: device id
IOTHUB_KEY: SaS Token, incluing all generated
open vscode and install azure account and azure iot hub extensions
press Crtl + shift + P and tip: azure: Sign in to azure cloud and log in on azure using your account
after logged, find Azure IoT Hub tab at file explorer, right click on your device and select the option: "Generate SaS Token for Device"