Process scientific articles (PDFs) available on
This is a sub-project of the AdvancedAcademicProject
The project configuration holds in the config.toml file
Note : It is possible to run all of the services mentionned below on different machines
To use this solution as a whole, some services have to be launched first :
PDF Extractor, to extract data from PDFs remotely, in AWS Lambda functions
Redis, to store the result of ArXiv PDFs extraction (JSON) as a task, in a task queue
All of which have to be reachable and available : the services must be running and accessible from ArXivParser. For that, their URL have to be specified into the config.toml file
Note: for now, the redis task queue does not need to be instanciated. Instead, the resulting macrostructure.json file is stored in the results folder.
Launching ArXivParser
Follow the "Developing and running tests" section above, and then, run:
Clone the project on your machine:
git clone
Go into the cloned repository (stay at the root) - it will be the working directory:
cd ArXivPDFExtractor
Add the working directory to the Python PATH environment variable:
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The unit tests are placed in the tests folder. They can be ran from the root folder with the pytest command, as follows :
python -m pytest tests
Create an AWS EC2 instance (ideally Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS) - keep your KeyPair.pem file safe !
Configure a VPC and a Security Group so that the machine is reachable via SSH and HTTP
By default, permissions on the keypair.pem file are too open and must be restricted:
chmod 600 <path_to_your_key_pair>
You should now be able to connect to your EC2 instance:
sudo ssh -i <path_to_your_key_pair> ubuntu@<ec2_instance_public_ipv4>
Once connected, deploy and run the service as a container, or as specified above