#animate-scss Sassy just-add-water CSS animation
is a Sass version of Dan Eden's Animate.css.
##Features animate-sass has a couple of features to make the most of what Sass has to offer for more effecient development.
####Mixins There are a couple of Sass mixins that some of the modules use to generate the necessary compiled css.
####Settings The settings file defines a range of default Sass variables which are used by some of the animation modules. You can override the defaults in your own settings or style sass file(s).
####Animation Module loading The settings file also sets all animation modules to false (nothing gets loaded).
To include an animation module in your project, simply override the $use[moduleName] variable in your own settings file to true.
By only choosing the animation modules you need, you're keeping the compiled css at it's leanest!
// These will be included
$use-fadeIn: true;
$use-fadeOut: true;
Modules are arranged by the following animation types;
- attention-seekers
- bounce-enter
- bounce-exit
- fade-enter
- fade-exit
- flippers
- lightspeed
- rotate-enter
- rotate-exit
- special
####Base Styles
There is a small section at the bottom of the _animate.scss
file that contains the base css rules for animate.sass to work.
Simply copy it from the _animate.scss
file (or from the code block below) into you main sass file or base sass module.
body {
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; // Addresses a small issue in webkit: http://bit.ly/NEdoDq
.animated {
@include animate-prefixer(animation-duration, $base-duration);
@include animate-prefixer(animation-fill-mode, both);
&.hinge {
@include animate-prefixer(animation-duration, $base-duration * 2);
All individual animation modules are kept in their own Sass partials so they can be found easily. You shouldn't need to edit these as they are part of the animate.css library.
###Bower Support Add animate-sass to your project using Bower
bower.json dependency
"dependencies": {
"animate-sass": "0.6.2"
Command line
bower install animate-sass
To use animate.scss in your project, you will need to have Sass installed. Visit the Sass site to find out how to do this.
Once Sass has been installed, you can download or clone this repo into your project's css
folder and import animate.scss
into your main Sass stylesheet.
Eg: inside css/style.scss
@import "animate-sass/animate"
Choose which modules you want to use in you project by overriding the variables set in the helpers/settings.scss
file in your own settings file.
Add the base css styles mentioned in the BASE section above.
Finally in your markup, simply add the class animated
to an element, along with any of the animation class names.
<div class="animated fadeIn">
<p>Watch me fade in!</p>
That's it! You've got a CSS animated element. Super!
Animate.scss is licensed under the MIT license. http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
You can follow me / ask questions on twitter: @tom_gillard
##Learn more
You can check out the original animate.css here. See working examples as well as how to use with javascript or creating custom css classes
v0.6.3 - Removed Sass deprecation warnings about unquote().
v0.6.2 - Fixed mixin issue with Firefox and IE adding quotes to the animation-name property.
v0.6.1 - Merged pull request fixing issue with animate filename
v0.6.0 - Merged pull request adding new animations. Updating bower version.
v0.5.0 - Merged various pull requests to fix issues with 3rd party frameworks Bourbon and Libsass.
v0.4.0 - Added override option of all variables. Made sass file a partial to be imported into projects stylesheet without generating a standalone css file. Removed base helper partial in favour of copying the css into projects sass stylesheet.
v0.3.0 - Added bower package functionality
v0.2.0 - Removed css source files and restructured repo for better compatibility with user projects
v0.1.0 - Initial port of animate.css to Sass