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This project is a Firestore + React Query + React Native template

This project is intended to demonstrate how to use React Query and Firestore together in a simple Todo React Native app. For a complete walkthrough, read this post.


Setup Firebase project

  • Go to and create a firestore project with analytics disabled
  • Add click iOS+ to add the iOS integration
    • Use com.todoapp as the bundle id.
  • Add Google Authentication to the project
    • Download the GoogleService-Info.plist and place it in the top directory of this project
  • Create a Firestore database in firebase first via
  • Click "Start collection", name the collection "todos", and create a sample document with fields title (string), isDone (boolean), and dateCreated (Date) fields.
  • Open GoogleService-Info.plist, and copy the CLIENT_ID value and set EXPO_FIREBASE_CLIENT_ID to that value in the .env file.

Install dependencies and create development build

npm install
eas build --profile development-simulator --platform ios

Once the eas build has completed, download it and drag it into your simulator of choice to run.

Run the app

Since this is just an expo project, run with

npm start

Open an iOS simulator, log in with a google account of your choice, and you will see the Todo App demo.

Create Todos by clicking the "+" in the upper right of the nav bar.


Having issues with the project? Submit an issue in Github