This project aims to generate Parquet data files for TPC-H and ClickBench datasets using parquet-java. The ParquetWriter in pyarrow.parquet depends on pyarrow-cpp, which is outdated and does not support specifying rowGroupSize.
This project is part of PixelsDB.
Parquet Logical Types are used to construct the message schema.
To enable multi-threaded file reading, files need to be split into smaller chunks. The Linux split command is used for this purpose:
Copy code
# Test example
split -l 30 test1.csv ./test1/test1-csv-
split -l 40 test2.csv ./test2/test2-csv-
# ClickBench
split -l 156250 hits.tsv ./hits/hits-tsv-
split -l 319150 customer.tbl ./customer/customer-tbl-
split -l 600040 lineitem.tbl ./lineitem/lineitem-tbl-
split -l 100 nation.tbl ./nation/nation-tbl-
split -l 638300 orders.tbl ./orders/orders-tbl-
split -l 769240 part.tbl ./part/part-tbl-
split -l 360370 partsupp.tbl ./partsupp/partsupp-tbl-
split -l 10 region.tbl ./region/region-tbl-
split -l 333340 supplier.tbl ./supplier/supplier-tbl-