Let's try to make a simple font:
- Latin alphabet has relatively few letters and is widely used.
- All languages can be transliterated to latin letters.
- There are 26 big and 26 small latin letters.
- Sometimes we are required to use big letters only: for clarity.
- Some alphabets like Georgian don't have a split to big and small letters.
- So let's design just 26 big letters and use small-caps style if we need both big and small letters.
- We also need 10 arabic digits, also widely used.
- 26 + 10 = 36, so we can put the alphabet into a simple table 6x6.
- We can use a simple grid 2x4 to draw each letter and each digit.
- Let's use as few simple straight lines as possible to make it clear which symbol it is.
- Each letter and digit should not lead to confusion like letter O and digit 0.
- The same form of a symbol can be reused multiple times using rotation like C and U.
- Symbols are grouped using consistent style, e.g. letters S and Z vs digits 5 and 2.
- Review once again.
- Create TTF font file.
- Try to use it for Whyolet website and products.
- On success, implement all requirements to upload to Google Fonts.
- This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
- This license is available with a FAQ at https://scripts.sil.org/OFL