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Minimalist programming language simple to read, write, extend


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  • Minimalist programming language simple to read, write, extend.
  • Influenced by: Python, Bash, XL.
  • Axol is named after the axolotl animal for its ability to regrow missing body parts and for being cute.
  • Version: 0.3.2
  • Docs: {:toc}
# Text from `#` to the end of line is a comment,
# unless `#` is inside of a string.
"Double-quoted multiline string # here
expands \"escape\tsequences\"
including \\ and no-newline: \

It also expands var {names} and {other.code()}
unless curly braces are escaped like \{these\}."

'Single-quoted multiline raw string
expands \no {special sequences
to avoid escaping of "double quotes" and {code}
and double escaping of \regex.'
  • String having no "\{} chars should be double-quoted to avoid conflicts of personal preferences.
  • These are examples of simple values: null, bools, numbers, strings.
  • More values like boxes and actions are described below.
  • Examples below use placeholders: aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, ..., yyy, zzz.
  • They are simpler to invent and recognize than few well-known metasyntactic variables foo, bar, baz, qux, ...what's next?
  • They avoid confusion with:
    • Words that should be used as is, like file.
    • Short words like a being an article.
    • Each other, unlike name1, name2, name3, ..., name25, name26.
  • Box is a namespace - a space with names, not values.
  • Each name points to a value outside the box, e.g:
|      |
| 0 -----> null
| 1 -----> false
| 2 -----> true         /--\
| 3 -----> -3.14        |  |
| aaa ---> "bbb" _______v_ |
| ccc -------^   |       | |
| ddd ---------->| self ---/
|______|         |_______|
  • Given axol app:
action: name=@nick
  • the next boxes are created:
              |  |
  ____________v_ |
  |            | |
  |  $local -----/
  |  $import ----> : ...
  |  name -------> "Alice"
  |  action -----> : name=@nick
   |          /--\
/--/          |  |
| ____________v_ |
| |            | |
| |  $local -----/
\--- $outer    |
\--- $caller   |           _________
  |  $args --------------->|       |
  |  @nick ------> "Mad" <--- nick |
  |  name ----------^      |_______|
  • Each time axol app is executed,
    • or a lib is imported,
    • or an action is called,
    • a new local scope is auto-created.
  • Local scope is a box with:
    • Custom local names created by the app/lib/action.
    • Auto-created local names.
  • Name auto-created in any scope is:
    • $local - points to this local scope box itself.
  • Name auto-created in scopes of app and lib is:
    • $import - action to import other libs.
  • Names auto-created in action scope are:
    • $outer - points to the scope box where this action was created.
    • $caller - points to the scope box where this action was called.
    • $args - points to a box with arguments passed by the caller to this action.
    • @0 - shortcut for $args.0 - the first positional argument.
    • @1 - shortcut for $args.1, and so on.
    • @aaa - shortcut for $ - named argument aaa="bbb"
  • See also: env, cli_args, pos_args, nam_args.
  • All names starting with $ or @ are reserved for axol to avoid collision with custom names created by user.
  • Create or update name aaa in local scope.
  • Make it point to value "bbb".
  • See also: up finds and updates name in local or outer scopes.
  • Find name aaa in local scope.
  • If found, then return a value it points to.
  • Else try the same in $outer scope, else in its $outer, and so on.
    • This step is not applied for auto-created names starting with $ or @ - they are always local.
  • Else throw "Name aaa is not found."
: bbb
  • Get a new action.
  • When this action is called, it will execute the code bbb inside of this action.
  • This trivial code bbb will return value of name bbb visible from inside of this action, even if the caller of this action does not see this bbb.
  • Action is known in other languages as closure, lambda, function, procedure, method, etc.
aaa: bbb
  • Create or update name aaa in local scope.
  • Make it point to a new action.
  • This is a name=value composed with action, but:
    • Cute aaa: bbb syntax should always be used instead of aaa=: bbb composed from aaa= and : bbb
  # Multiple
  # lines here.
  • Get a new action that will execute multiple indented lines and return value of bbb.
  • One indentation level should contain exactly two spaces, no tabs.
  # Multiple
  # lines here.
  • Create or update name aaa in local scope.
  • Make it point to a new multiline-action.
  • This is a name=value composed with multiline-action, but:
    • Cute aaa: multiline_bbb syntax should always be used instead of aaa=: multiline_bbb composed from aaa= and : multiline_bbb

Given aaa: @0



  • Get the action : @0 pointed by name aaa.
  • Create its local scope box with few names inside, including:
    • $args pointing to a new box with the only name 0 inside, pointing to the value "bbb" passed as the only positional argument.
    • @0 being a shortcut for $args.0 hence pointing to the same value "bbb".
  • Run the code of this trivial action : @0
    • Get the value "bbb" of the name @0
    • Return this value to the caller of this action.
  • As in name=value, create or update name result in local scope of the caller, make this name point to returned value "bbb".
  • See also: inline-call, newline-call, multiline-call, pipeline-call, box $call.
aaa(bbb "ccc" ddd="eee" fff: ggg)
  • Get result of action aaa called with arguments:
    • name - aaa(bbb)
      • Value of name bbb is passed as a positional argument.
    • value - aaa("ccc")
      • Value "ccc" is passed as a positional argument.
    • action - aaa(: hhh)
      • Action : hhh is passed as a positional argument.
      • Supported only when it is the only argument - as otherwise it would be easy to confuse aaa(bbb : hhh) with aaa(bbb: hhh)
    • multiline-action
    • name=value - aaa(ddd="eee")
      • Passed as a named argument ddd with value being "eee".
    • name: action - aaa(fff: ggg)
      • Passed as a named argument fff with value being an action : ggg
    • name: multiline-action
    • Without arguments - aaa()
  • If an inline-call starts on its own line and has arguments, then it should be converted to a newline-call by deleting the parentheses () for readability.
aaa bbb "ccc" ddd="eee" fff: ggg
  • The same as inline-call, but:
    • It should be on its own line in app/lib/action, as otherwise aaa and bbb become arguments as in print aaa bbb "ccc"
    • Passing action without name: action is not supported, as aaa : hhh can be easily confused with aaa: hhh
    • "Without arguments" case is not supported, as it would be the same as just getting a value of name aaa.
    • It can return result only when it is the only or the last line of an action to avoid confusing result=aaa bbb=ccc:
get_result: aaa bbb "ccc" ddd="eee"

  # Multiple
  # lines here.
  aaa bbb "ccc" ddd="eee"

aaa bbb "ccc" ddd="eee" fff: ggg
  : hhh
  nnn ooo "ppp" qqq="rrr" sss: ttt
    : uuu
  • The same as newline-call, but:
    • All "not supported" and "supported only when" restrictions of inline-call and newline-call (except "Without arguments") are removed in multiline-call for indented arguments, each on its own line(s).
    • One indentation level should contain exactly two spaces, no tabs.
    • A multiline-call with all arguments indented can return result via name=value e.g:
  fff: ggg
  : hhh
a0|aaa(a1 a2)

a0|aaa a1 a2

  • The inline-call, newline-call, and multiline-call above have their first positional argument a0 passed through the pipe |
  • They all are equal to aaa(a0 a1 a2)
  • It makes naturally infix actions like minus more readable in nnn|minus(1) compared to minus(nnn 1).
  • It avoids need in operator precedence that can be confused with different operator precedence from another programming language:
    • What aaa / bbb % ccc means?
      • (aaa / bbb) % ccc ?
      • aaa / (bbb % ccc) ?
      • Are you sure?
    • With axol you are sure:
      • aaa|div(bbb|mod(ccc)) means aaa / (bbb % ccc)
      • aaa|div(bbb)|mod(ccc) means (aaa / bbb) % ccc
  • It enables concise left-to-right pipelines like items|map(to: "{@name}={@value}")|sorted|join("\n")
  • Note that parentheses () are omitted in |sorted because it is definitely a pipeline-call, which cannot be confused with just getting a value of name sorted.
  • For the same reason a pipeline can be split to multiple lines with exactly two-space indentation before the pipe | like this:
  |map(to: "{@name}={@value}")
  • Given aaa being a box with "bbb" ccc="ddd" inside:
eee("fff" ggg="hhh" aaa...)
# is the same as:
eee("fff" "bbb" ggg="hhh" ccc="ddd")
  • While:
eee(aaa... "fff" ggg="hhh")
# is the same as:
eee("bbb" "fff" ccc="ddd" ggg="hhh")
  • So the ellipsis ... unboxes whatever is inside of the box, before or after other arguments.
  • Multiple boxes can be unboxed in the same call.
  • This works with any call type, not just inline-call.
aaa=$import("bbb ccc=ddd" file="../eee.axol")
  • If file is not passed, then file is .axol/main.axol - main features of axol standard library.

  • If file starts with .axol/

    • Then find it in:
      • The same directory as the importer.
      • Else in importer's parent directory.
      • Else in one more parent directory, and so on.
      • Else in OS-specific user home directory like ~
      • Else in OS-specific shared directory like /usr/local/lib
      • Else throw "File .axol/eee.axol is not found."
    • Else file path should start with either ./ or ../ to clearly be relative to importer's directory.
  • If the absolute path to the file is not in the import cache box yet, then:

    • Add this path to this cache as a name, pointing to a new box.
    • Run the file passing this box as its local scope.
  • For each positional argument like "bbb ccc=ddd" passed:

    • Create or update names bbb and ccc in local scope of the caller.
    • Make them point to the values which names bbb and ddd point to in the cached scope box of the file:
# lib.axol

# app.axol
$import "bbb ccc=ddd" file="./lib.axol"
print bbb ccc # fff ggg
  • Return the cached scope box of the file to the caller, e.g. axol=$import() will create a name axol pointing to a box with main features of axol standard library.

  • $import is one of very few auto-created names. All custom names should be either imported from axol standard library or other libs or created by an app/lib/action:

$import "each print"

  "all any min max"
  "sorted sum zip"


  |each do: print @value
$import "box print"

aaa=box(bbb "ccc" ddd="eee" fff: ggg)

print aaa.1 # ccc
print aaa.ddd # eee

print aaa.hhh # iii
  • Create a box with passed args.
  • They can be get and set using either dot . or actions - see get, set, etc.
  • See box-concept and inline-call.
  • Implementation:
box: $args
$import "print"

# (newline)

print "hi" # hi
# (newline)

print "yes/no: " end="" # yes/no: (no newline)

print "aaa bbb" "ccc" # aaa bbb ccc

print "aaa bbb" "ccc" sep="" # aaa bbbccc

print null false true "true" -3.14 # null false true true -3.14

print box(null false true "true" -3.14 aaa="bbb" ccc: ddd)
# null
# false
# true
# "true"
# -3.14
# aaa="bbb"
# ccc: ddd

print "failed" to=2 # failed
# (to stderr)

result=print("aaa" "bbb" to=null)
print result # aaa bbb

print aaa bbb sep=" " end="\n" to=1
  • Join positional args to the resulting string using sep separator, default is one space.
    • Printing a box prints its items, each on its own line(s).
  • Append the end, default is a newline.
  • If to is not null: print the resulting string to file descriptor to, default is 1 aka stdout.
  • Return the resulting string.
$import "input"

  • Input a string from stdin.
  • End the input on EOF or when the end is consumed, newline by default.
  • Return the result excluding the end.
  • Given command line:
AAA=bbb ccc=ddd path/to/app.axol
  • env points to a box with environment variables:
  # More inherited env vars.
  • Usage:
$import "env print"

print env.AAA # bbb
  • Given command line:
path/to/app.axol aaa "bbb ccc" -ddd --eee=fff
  • cli_args points to a box with command line arguments:
  "bbb ccc"
  • Usage:
$import "cli_args print"

print cli_args.0 # path/to/app.axol
print cli_args.1 # aaa
print cli_args.eee # fff
$import "nam_args pos_args print"

  pos_args "bbb ccc" ddd="eee" fff="ggg"
  nam_args "hhh iii" jjj="kkk" lll="mmm"

  print bbb ccc ddd fff
  print hhh iii jjj lll

  "nnn" "ooo" "ppp"
  hhh="qqq" iii="rrr" lll="sss"
# nnn ooo ppp ggg
# qqq rrr kkk sss
  • pos_args:
    • Set local name bbb to point to positional arg @0.
    • ccc - to @1.
    • ddd - to @2, etc.
  • nam_args:
    • Set local name hhh to point to named arg @hhh.
    • iii - to @iii.
    • jjj - to @jjj, etc.
  • For both pos_args and nam_args:
    • Names passed in the positional args are required, e.g. bbb and hhh.
    • Names passed as named args are optional with given default values, e.g. fff="ggg" and jjj="kkk".
$import "bool box"

  • All bool-s above return false.

  • bool of anything else is true.

  • Each bool comparison below is true:

  "eq ne lt gt lte gte"
  "not and or xor"

"aaa"|eq("aaa") # EQual
"aaa"|ne("bbb") # Not Equal
"aaa"|lt("bbb") # Less Than
"bbb"|gt("aaa") # Greater Than
false|lte(true) # Less Than or Equal
true|gte(false) # Greater Than or Equal
  • Each comparison below is true:
$import "action bool box number is string"




aaa: "bbb"


  • If only positional args @0 and @1 are passed, then:
    • If they point to the same address in memory, then return true, else return false.
  • Else if positional arg @0 and named arg @a are passed, then:
    • If @0 is created by an action @a, then return true, else return false.
  • Else throw "Unexpected args".
  • Each line below is true:
  "plus minus mul div"
  "pow mod abs eq"

2|plus(3)|eq(5) # 2 + 3 == 5
5|minus(3)|eq(2) # 5 - 3 == 2
2|mul(3)|eq(6) # 2 * 3 == 6
6|div(3)|eq(2) # 6 / 3 == 2


box("aaa" bbb="ccc" ddd="eee")
  |plus(box("fff" bbb="ggg" hhh="iii"))
# aaa
# fff
# bbb="ggg"
# ddd="eee"
# hhh="iii"

box("aaa" "bbb" ccc="ddd")|mul(2)
# aaa
# bbb
# aaa
# bbb
# ccc="ddd"

2|pow(8)|eq(256) # POWer, ^, **
-2|abs|eq(2) # ABSolute value, |x|

# 256^(1/8) is a float close to 2

5|mod(2)|eq(1) # MODulo, %
$import "box print set"

aaa|set "bbb" "ccc"
print aaa # bbb="ccc"
  • The same as setting aaa.bbb="ccc" using dot, but name is passed as a positional argument @1 to support dynamic naming, e.g. in a loop.
$import "box get print"

print aaa|get("bbb") # ccc

print aaa|get("ddd" default=null) # null
  • The same as getting aaa.bbb using dot, but:

    • name "bbb" is passed as a positional argument @1 to support dynamic naming, e.g. in a loop.
  • If name "ddd" is not found, then:

    • If optional default=value is passed:
      • Then value is returned.
      • Else throw the same error as the failed name lookup.
  • If bool comparisons lt gt lte gte are used as named arguments instead of the positional argument @1:

    • Then return a new box with positional values (from original box @0) having indices satisfying all comparisons:
$import "box get print"
aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" "ddd" "eee" fff="ggg")

print aaa|get(lt=2)
# "bbb"
# "ccc"

print aaa|get(gte=1 lte=2)
# "ccc"
# "ddd"

print aaa|get(gt=0)
# "ccc"
# "ddd"
# "eee"
  • Both dot . and get can be used to get substrings too:
import "get print"

print aaa.0 # s
print aaa.1 # t
print aaa|get(2) # r
print aaa|get(gte=2 lte=3) # ri
print aaa|get(gt=3) # ng
$import "print up"

  print aaa # ddd
print aaa # bbb

  up aaa="ddd"
  print name # ddd
print aaa # ddd

up eee="fff"
# Error: Name `eee` is not found.

ggg=box(hhh="iii" jjj: kkk)
ggg|up hhh="lll" jjj: mmm
print ggg.hhh # lll

ggg|up aaa="nnn"
# Error: Name `aaa` is not found.
  • While name=value, name: action, and name: multiline-action create or update names in local scope only,
  • up updates names (never creates) in the next way:
    • If a positional argument @0 is passed:
    • For each name=value argument passed:
      • Find the name in the where box.
      • Else in where.$outer, if any.
      • Else in where.$outer.$outer and so on.
      • Else throw the same error as the failed name lookup.
      • If found, then update the name where it was found, to point to a new value or action passed.
$import "add box print"
aaa=box("ccc" yyy="zzz")

aaa|add "ddd" "eee"
aaa|add "aaa" "bbb" at=0
print aaa
# "aaa"
# "bbb"
# "ccc"
# "ddd"
# "eee"
# yyy="zzz"

aaa=box("ccc" yyy="zzz")
aaa|add flat=true
  box("eee" "fff")
print aaa
# "ccc"
# "ddd"
# "eee"
# "fff"
# ggg="hhh"
# yyy="zzz"

aaa|add bbb ccc at=-1 flat=false
  • Add values passed as positional arguments to the box passed as @0:
    • If at index is passed:
      • Then insert values at given index.
      • Else append values after existing positional values in the box.
    • If flat is passed and is true:
      • Then unpack all boxes passed as positional args, adding their contents to the target box.
      • Else add such boxes as is, without unpacking.
$import "box del print"
aaa=box("bbb" ccc="ddd")

print aaa|del(0) # bbb
print aaa
# ccc="ddd"

print aaa|del("ccc") # ddd
print aaa

print aaa|del("ccc" default=null) # null
  • The same as get, but also deletes the name passed as @1 from the box passed as @0.
  • If bool comparisons are used instead of @1, then get and delete matching indices:
$import "box del print"
aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" "ddd" "eee" fff="ggg")

print aaa|del(gte=2)
# "ddd"
# "eee"

print aaa
# "bbb"
# "ccc"
# fff="ggg"
$import "box names print"
aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")

print aaa|names
# 0
# 1
# "ddd"

print $local|names
# "$import"
# "$local"
# "aaa"
# "box"
# "names"
# "print"
  • Get a new box with values being names from the box passed as @0
$import "box print values"
aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")

print aaa|values
# "bbb"
# "ccc"
# "eee"
  • Get a new box with values from the box passed as @0
$import "box join print"
aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")

print aaa|join(",") # bbb,ccc,eee
  • Get a string created by joining values from the box passed as @0 using separator passed as @1.
$import "print split"

print "aaa,bbb,ccc"|split(",")
# "aaa"
# "bbb"
# "ccc"
  • Get a new box with values split from the string passed as @0 using separator passed as @1.
$import "box length print"

print "string"|length # 6

aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")
print aaa|length # 2, not 3.
  • If @0 is a string: return its length in characters.
  • Else if @0 is a box: return the length of its positional side, ignoring name="value" pairs.
  • Else throw "Value {@0} has no length."
$import "box find print"

print "aaabbbccc"|find("bbb") # 3
print "aaabbbccc"|find("ddd") # null

aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")
print aaa|find("bbb") # 0
print aaa|find("ddd") # null
print aaa|find("eee") # ddd
  • If each value passed is a string:
    • If @1 is found in @0:
      • Then return the first matching index.
      • Else return null.
  • Else if @0 is a box:
    • If @1 is found in the values of the box @0:
      • Then return the first matching name.
      • Else return null.
  • Else throw "Presence of {@1} in {@0} cannot be checked."
$import "box in names print"

print "bbb"|in("aaabbbccc") # true
print "ddd"|in("aaabbbccc") # false

aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")
print "bbb"|in(aaa) # true
print "ddd"|in(aaa) # false
print "ddd"|in(aaa|names) # true
print "eee"|in(aaa) # true
  • The same as @1|find(@0)|ne(null)
  • See find.
$import "if"

if aaa then: bbb
  else: ccc

if aaa

  then: bbb
  else: ccc
  • If bool of condition aaa is true and then action is passed, then call it.
  • If bool of condition aaa is false and else action is passed, then call it.
  • Return result of the action called.
$import "print then"

print aaa|then(bbb else=ccc)
  • If bool of condition aaa is true:
    • Then return bbb.
    • Else return ccc.
  • Unlike short-circuit evaluation of actions in if, here both branches are evaluated instantly as simple values.
$import "elif"

  : bbb

  : ddd

  : fff

  else: ggg
  • The same as few nested if-s:
$import "if"

if aaa
  then: bbb
    if ccc
      then: ddd
        if eee
          then: fff
          else: ggg
$import "case"

case aaa
  : ccc

  : eee

  : ggg

  else: hhh
  • The same as this elif:
$import "elif"

  : ccc

  : eee

  : ggg

  else: hhh
$import "loop"

  while: aaa
  do: bbb
  until: ccc

loop while: aaa
  do: bbb
  • Set name do_result in the local scope of this loop call to point to null.
  • Repeat the next steps:
    • If while action is passed, then:
      • Call it.
      • If bool of its result is false, then:
        • Break the loop.
    • up do_result=do()
      • Call the do action.
      • Update do_result name to point to the result of do action.
    • If until action is passed, then:
      • Call it.
      • If bool of its result is true, then:
        • Break the loop.
  • Return the value of do_result.
$import "box each print"
aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")

aaa|each do: print @name @value
# 0 bbb
# 1 ccc
# ddd eee
  • For each name=value in the box passed as @0:
    • do_result=do(name=name value=value).
  • Return the value of do_result.
  • A string is treated as a box with characters:
$import "each print"

"str"|each do: print @name @value
# 0 s
# 1 t
# 2 r
$import "box map print"
aaa=box("bbb" "ccc" ddd="eee")

print aaa|map(to: "{@name}={@value}")
# "0=bbb"
# "1=ccc"
# "ddd=eee"

print aaa|map(
  to: $value
  if: $name|ne(1)
# "bbb"
# "eee"

print aaa|map(flat=true to: $item)
# "bbb"
# "ccc"
# ddd="eee"

  to: bbb
  if: ccc
  • Create map_result=box()
  • For each name=value in the box passed as @0:
    • Create item=box()
    • item|set name value
    • If if action is passed, then:
      • Call if_result=if(name=name value=value item=item)
      • If bool of if_result is false, then continue from the next iteration of the loop.
    • Call to_result=to(name=name value=value item=item)
    • map_result|add(to_result flat=flat)
  • Return map_result.
  • A string is treated as a box with characters:
$import "map print"

print "str"|map(flat=true to: $item)
# 0="s'
# 1="t"
# 2="r"
$import "box print"

aaa=box($call: "bbb")

print aaa
# $call: "bbb"

print aaa() # bbb
  • Name $call is not auto-created, but it has a reserved meaning.
  • When a box is called, its $call action is called instead.
  • Else throw "Cannot call: neither an action, nor a box with $call action."
$import "catch throw"

    up aaa="ccc"
    throw "ddd" eee="fff"
    up aaa="ggg"
    print "always"
# always

print aaa # ccc

if bbb
    print bbb
    # ddd
    # eee="fff"
    # $throw=box
    #   file="app.axol"
    #   line=7
    #   column=5

    throw bbb
    # Uncaught:
    # ddd
    # eee="fff"
    # $throw=box
    #   file="app.axol"
    #   line=7
    #   column=5
  • It throw is called:
    • If its only positional argument is an already thrown box (contains name $throw):
      • Then reuse this thrown box as is.
      • Else create a new thrown box from all positional args, named args, and reserved name $throw pointing to a box with location of this throw (file, line, column).
    • Find the nearest catch that called its do action being a $caller (of $caller...) of this throw.
    • If such catch is found:
      • Then:
        • If this catch has finally action, then call it.
        • Return the thrown box instantly from this catch.
      • Else (no catch found), end the whole app instantly with Uncaught: {thrown} printed to stderr and exit code 1.
  • It no throw was called in do action of catch, then:
    • If catch has finally action, then call it.
    • Return null from catch.
$import "break if input loop print"

    if line|eq("")
      then: break()

# Implementation:
break: throw break
  • Throw itself.
  • If loop or each catches a box where .0 is break:
    • Then it returns its do_result instantly.
  • If map catches a break:
    • Then it returns its map_result instantly.
$import "continue if input loop print"

    if line|eq("")
      then: continue()

# Implementation:
continue: throw continue
  • Throw itself.
  • If loop, each, or map catches a box where .0 is continue:
    • Then it stops current iteration instantly and continues from the next iteration.
  • Work on the drafts left.
  • Add axol to the next highlighters to simplify the reviews:
    • Rouge for our GitHub Pages website.
    • github-linguist for GitHub main UI and for grammars used by popular code editors.
  • Reviews and fixes of this draft specification.
  • Implement it.

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