This repository is made by me to learn and practice packet capturing with go.
- This program has a command line argument '-input' that takes the directory to the pcap file as an argument or by default "lo.pcap".
- Then it opens the file and prints out the amount of packets inside it.
- It panics if the errors occured while opening the file.
- It uses flag library to set command line arguments and default argument. And it uses goPacket library to open pcap files and work with packages.
- This program has a command line argument '-file'. It takes the directory to the pcap file or by default "lo.pcap" as an argument.
- It then opens the file and prints out the amount of packets with TCP, UDP, IPv4 and IPv6 protocols.
- It panics if the errors occured while opening the file.
- It uses flag library to set command line arguments and default argument. And it uses goPacket library to open pcap files and work with packages.