I am just getting organized ... Eventually I would like to reorganize this by topic: Regression, Classification, Clustering, Anomaly Detection, PCA, Recommender, CNN, Capsule NN, etc with M, R, Python, and Java code
This will be the R and excel code from several classes I took Statistics for Business Analytics A-Z™ https://www.udemy.com/data-statistics/learn/v4/overview Workshop in Probability and Statistics https://www.udemy.com/statshelp/learn/v4/overview
This is from R Programming A-Z™: R For Data Science https://www.udemy.com/r-programming/learn/v4/overview
- Still adding the code from the class
This is from R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science https://www.udemy.com/r-analytics/learn/v4/overview
This is from Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R https://www.udemy.com/machinelearning/learn/v4/overview
This is from The Complete Machine Learning Course with Python https://www.udemy.com/machine-learning-course-with-python/learn/v4/overview
Forecasting Models with R https://www.udemy.com/forecasting-models-with-r/learn/v4/content
Will NOT post code as promised in course agreement... however it all works, got 103% in the course.
This is from Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB https://www.udemy.com/digital-signal-processing-with-matlab/learn/v4/overview
There is java code implmenting the various scenarios from Dan Morris' book Bayes Theorem