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Frontend Mentor - REST Countries API with color theme switcher solution

This is a solution to the REST Countries API with color theme switcher challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • See all countries from the API on the homepage
  • Search for a country using an input field
  • Filter countries by region
  • Click on a country to see more detailed information on a separate page
  • Click through to the border countries on the detail page
  • Toggle the color scheme between light and dark mode (optional)




My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • React
  • Axios
  • Redux

What I learned

  • I learned how to implement Context with State Actions and Reducers. I am happy with my apiState.js and apiReducer.js files. The search bar and Filter dropdown both interact with the state of the Countries array in a way that they both check if one another is active and function accordingly.

  • On a full-stack side-project I wrote a Django API Backend and React Frontend. Before this challenge, I didn't know what API endpoints I would need/use. That resulted in a lot of data manipulation on the Frontend and too few API endpoints. Thanks to FrontendMentor I have a better understanding of what the frontend needs.

  • This challenge is a turning point for me. I focused heavily on my workflow.

    Let's recap: I broke down the challenge into features: UI(Background, Header), UI components(SearchBar, Filter Button, Country Cards, Country Detail), Navigation(From the country card to the detail page), State (Context), Functions( Search Bar, Filter, and DarkMode) and Unplanned. After each feature, I would merge back to a develop branch (or experimental if I expected a few merge conflicts) and do some refactoring, commenting, and/or small fixes.

    Then I asked my partner in crime (and wife) to find ways to break the app. She succeeded every single time up to v1.3. She is the sweetest human being I know and when it comes to testing she is pure chaos!

    Finally, I merge to the main branch with a version tag and deploy to GitHub pages!

Continued development

In future development, I will focus on a test-driven workflow. Update: v2.0 brings a load of updates. Rest Countries V3, Redux, typescript and more !

Useful resources

  • React Docs - The docs for React are solid,I mainly used them to look up the new hooks! Reading the framework/library docs is my go-to and has never failed me! Definite recommend!
  • React Context Docs - This was my first use of the Context library. I have used Redux so I wasn't completely lost and I'm very impressed at how easy it was to implement. (See was I call the Brad Taversy "System" for more info)
  • Axios Docs - Axios is amazing! It just works! The document is clear and concise! I use Axios for my HTTP request to the API and never had an issue with it.
  • React Route V6 Docs - I didn't even realize until a Switch didn't work that install version 6 of React-Router-dom. And instead of rolling back to version 5, I went with it. Thanks to their amazing Upgrade to V6 documentation, I was quickly back on track. I haven't fully used all the new possibilities (especially on Routes) but hope to do so in some refactoring.
  • - Awesome Youtube channel. has a "Concept/framework in 100sec" playlist to quickly learn the very basics of a Programming language, framework, or concept. There are also longer videos for more in-depth frontend mini-projects (CSS grid, flex...)
  • Brad Taversy - Awesome Youtube Channel and Udemy course on react and the Context library. I followed his React Crash Course and Udemy course on React. His implementation of Context is what I used and I feel very comfortable with it. It has a redux feel and I love it!
  • Kevin Powell - Discovered on FrontendMentor with the partnership on the Space challenge and where my CSS game step up to all new level (Have a look at my other challenges to see the differences)
  • Google - Last but not least, the ultimate bug solver!



A huge thank you to my wife Andrea for her unconditional support and love. To my parents the MVP's of my upbringing!


REST Countries API challenge from






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