BeautifulSoup scraper running queries on a popular italian ad website. This searcher is compatible with Python 3.x versions.
Features (thanks to Marco Perronet)
- Infinite refresh with adjustable delay
- Multiplatform support: can run also on Windows
- Windows 10 notifications
- Easier Telegram setup
- Handle connection errors
- Fix flooding on Telegram
Before using this searcher, you must first install the following external modules through CLI (Windows/Linux/Mac: pip3 install [modulename]
(HTTP requests)bs4
To have to bot send you updates on Telegram, follow these steps:
- Create a bot by writing to the BotFather on Telegram
- BotFather will give you an API key: save this API key for later
- Create a public channel and add the newly created bot as administrator
- Save the name of the channel including the "@", for example: @subito_bot
To configure Telegram, simply invoke the script with the proper parameters as following:
pyhton3 --addtoken [YOUR_API_TOKEN] --addchatid [YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME]
Write python3 --help
to see all the command line arguments. Keep in mind that the script always needs some argument in order to start.
Here is a cheatsheet of the most common usages:
Add a new query with name "Auto":
python3 --add Auto --url
(keep in mind that you always use--add
together) -
Remove the query "Auto":
python3 --delete Auto
See a list of all your added queries:
python3 --short_list
Start the bot, it will search for new announcements every 2 minutes:
python3 --daemon
Start the bot with a custom delay (example, 30 seconds):
python3 --daemon --delay 30
Start the bot, but disable windows notifications:
python3 --notifyoff
Start the bot, but disable telegram messages:
python3 --tgoff