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An interface to facilitate rapid development and deployment of probabilistic models


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An interface to facilitate rapid development and deployment of probabilistic models



See the instructions here. Then simply

pip install probmods


What is the Problem?

Suppose that we have implemented a probabilistic model, and we would like to apply it to data. A typical way to do this would be to write a script roughly along the following lines:

import lab.tensorflow as B
import tensorflow as tf
from stheno.tensorflow import EQ, GP
from varz import Vars, minimise_l_bfgs_b

# Increase regularisation for `float32`s.
B.epsilon = 1e-6

# Initial model parameters:
init_noise = 1e-2
init_variance = 1
init_length_scale = 1

def prior(vs):
    """Construct the prior of the model."""
    ps = vs.struct  # Dynamic parameter struct
    variance = ps.variance.positive(init_variance)
    length_scale = ps.length_scale.positive(init_length_scale)
    noise = ps.noise.positive(init_noise)
    return GP(variance * EQ().stretch(length_scale)), noise

def sample(vs, x):
    """Sample from the prior."""
    f, noise = prior(vs)
    return f(x, noise).sample()

# Create a variable container.
vs = Vars(tf.float32)

# Generate data by sampling from the prior.
x = B.linspace(tf.float32, 0, 10, 100)
y = sample(vs, x)

def objective(vs):
    f, noise = prior(vs)
    return -f(x, noise).logpdf(y)

# Fit the model.
minimise_l_bfgs_b(objective, vs, trace=True, jit=True)

def posterior(vs):
    """Construct the posterior."""
    f, noise = prior(vs)
    post = f | (f(x, noise), y)
    return post, noise

def predict(vs, x):
    """Make predictions at new input locations."""
    f, noise = posterior(vs)
    return f(x).marginals()

# Make predictions.
mean, var = predict(vs, B.linspace(tf.float32, 10, 15, 100))

In the example, we sample data from a Gaussian process using Stheno, learn hyperparameters for the Gaussian process, and finally make predictions for new input locations. Several aspects are not completely satisfactory:

  • There is not one model object which you can conveniently pass around. Instead, the initial model parameters are defined as global variables, and the model is implemented with many functions (prior, sample, objective, posterior, predict, ...) which all depend on each other. This is not a convenient interface. If you wanted to share your model with someone else, so they could apply it to their data, they would not be able to just insert your model in existing code, but they would have to take your whole script. Moreover, they even might have to adjust it appropriately, for what if they wanted to sample from the posterior or fit the posterior to some data?

  • Since the script uses TensorFlow as a backend, you have to be careful to convert everything to TensorFlow tensors of the appropriate data type.

  • The script is not easily extensible. What if you wanted to add in data normalisation by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation? Among other things, you would have to keep track of those parameters and appropriately transform the predictions back to the original domain. What if, in addition, your data was positive, so you would want to also employ a log-transform? The code now starts to become spaghetti-like.

The package probmods aims to solve all of these problems. Below is how the above model could be implemented with probmods:

import lab.tensorflow as B
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from stheno import EQ, GP

from probmods import Model, instancemethod, cast, Transformed

# Increase regularisation for `float32`s.
B.epsilon = 1e-6

class GPModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, init_variance, init_length_scale, init_noise):
        self.init_variance = init_variance
        self.init_length_scale = init_length_scale
        self.init_noise = init_noise

    def __prior__(self):
        """Construct the prior of the model."""
        variance =
        length_scale =
        self.f = GP(variance * EQ().stretch(length_scale))
        self.noise =

    def __noiseless__(self):
        """Transform the model into a noiseless one."""
        self.noise = 0

    def __condition__(self, x, y):
        """Condition the model on data."""
        self.f = self.f | (self.f(x, self.noise), y)

    def logpdf(self, x, y):
        """Compute the log-pdf."""
        return self.f(x).logpdf(y)

    def predict(self, x):
        """Make predictions at new input locations."""
        return self.f(x, self.noise).marginals()

    def sample(self, x):
        """Sample at new input locations."""
        return self.f(x, self.noise).sample()

# This model object can easily be inserted anywhere in existing code and be
# passed around.
model = Transformed(
    GPModel(1, 1, 1e-1),

# Generate data by sampling from the prior.
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = model.sample(x)

# Fit the model and print the learned parameters., y, trace=True, jit=True)

# Make predictions.
x_new = np.linspace(10, 15, 100)
posterior = model.condition(x, y)
mean, var = posterior.predict(x_new)

# But we can go on....

# sample from the posterior.
y_new = posterior.sample(x_new)

# Or to train the model parameters by _fitting the posterior_ to new data!, y_new, trace=True, jit=True)

# Or to condition on even more data!
posterior = posterior.condition(x_new, y_new)

# Or to make more preditions!
mean, var = posterior.predict(x_new)

Basic Principles

Models and Instances

Models are functions from learnable parameters to instances of models. An instance of a model, or simply an instance, is an object with concrete values for it's all parameters and which can do things like sample or compute a log-pdf. Moreover, models can be parametrised by non-learnabe parameters, like initial values for learnable parameters or parameters which define the structure of the model, like other submodels. In this sense, models can interpreted as configurations or templates for instances of models.

For example, consider

>>> model = GPModel(init_variance=1, init_length_scale=1, init_noise=1e-2)

Here model is a model parametrised with initial values for learnable parameters. We can try to sample from it, but this runs into an error, because, although the initial values for the parameters of model are set, the actual parameters of model and the internals, such as the Gaussian process, are not yet created:

>>> x = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)

>>> model.sample(x)
AttributeError: Parameter struct not available.

Important assumption: It is assumed that models like model can safely be copied using copy.copy, which performs a shallow copy. This means that the constructor of a model should not do much more than model configuration through setting attributes. If a shallow copy is not appropriate, you should implement model.__copy__.

The object model acts like a function from parameters to instances of model. To demonstrate this, we first need to create parameters. probmods uses Varz manage parameters:

>>> from varz import Vars

>>> parameters = Vars(tf.float32)

The object parameters will create and keep track of all parameters which model will use. We can feed parameters to model to get an instance, which we can then sample from.

>>> instance = model(parameters)

>>> instance.sample(x)
array([[ 0.58702797],
       [ 0.40569574],
       [ 0.42661083],
       [ 1.1435565 ],
       [ 0.02888119],
       [-1.8267081 ],
       [-0.5065604 ],
       [ 0.7860895 ],
       [-2.4540234 ]], dtype=float32)

You can check whether a model is instantiated or not with the property instantiated:

>>> model.instantiated

>>> instance.instantiated

Representing models as functions from parameters to instances has a number of benefits:

  • Transparancy: You can always construct an instance simply by calling it with parameters. As can sometimes be the case with objects, you do not need to call particular methods in a particular sequence or worry about other side effects.

  • Efficiency: Functions can be compiled using a JIT, which eliminates Python's overhead and can create extremely efficient implementations:

    def pplp(parameters, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        """Compute the log-pdf of `(x1, y1)` given `(x2, y2)`."""
        posterior = model.condition(x2, y2)
        return posterior(parameters).logpdf(x1, y1)
  • Composability: Models can easily be used as components in bigger models.

Automatic Argument Casting: @cast

Although the internal variables of instance are TensorFlow tensors, you can simply feed a NumPy array to instance.sample. Furthermore, the output of instance.sample(x) is a NumPy array, rather than a TensorFlow tensor:

>>> x = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)

>>> instance.sample(x)
       [-2.4540234]], dtype=float32)

This behaviour is due to the @cast decorator, which automatically converts NumPy arguments to the right framework (in this case, TensorFlow) and the right data type (in this case, tf.float32). Moreover, if only NumPy arguments were given, @cast then also converts back to the result to NumPy. For example, if we were to pass a TensorFlow tensor, we would get a TensorFlow tensor back:

>>> instance.sample(tf.constant(x, dtype=tf.float32))
<tf.Tensor: shape=(10, 1), dtype=float32, numpy=
array([[ 0.37403315],
       [-1.423271  ],
       [ 0.94153786],
       [ 2.247231  ],
       [ 2.799852  ],
       [ 2.8013554 ],
       [ 1.9703895 ],
       [ 0.6884947 ],
       [-0.47107112]], dtype=float32)>

Parameters Without Varz

Although the package is integrated with Varz to make parameter management as painless as possible, you are not forced to use Varz. If you do not want to use Varz, you should give the appropriate parameters when you call model to instantiate it; these parameters which will then be passed to __prior__. Here's how GPModel could be modified to work in this way:


class GPModel(Model):
    def __prior__(self, variance, length_scale, noise):
        """Construct the prior of the model."""
        self.f = GP(variance * EQ().stretch(length_scale))
        self.noise = noise

Note that specifying the initial values of the parameters in the constructor is not necessary anymore, because all parameter values are given to __prior__ upon instantiation.

>>> model = GPModel()

>>> instance = model(1, 1, 0.1)

>>> instance.f
GP(0, EQ() > 1)

>>> instance.noise

Details of Model Instantiation

When model is instantiated by calling it as model(*args, **kw_args), the following happens:

  1. First of all, the model is copied to safely allow mutation of the copy:

    instance = copy.copy(model)

    This copy is a shallow copy. If a shallow copy is not appropriate, then you should implement instance.__copy__.

  2. If the first argument to model was a variable container of type varz.Vars or a parameter struct of type varz.spec.Struct, (short for parameters) is set to extract parameters from it. If no such argument was given, will extract parameters from model.vs, if model.vs exists. If also model.vs does not exist, will remain unavailable. Whatever case happens, instance.dtype will reflect the data type of the parameters or arguments with which model was instantiated (args and kw_args).

  3. The prior is constructed:

    instance.__prior__(*args, **kw_args)

    The arguments args and keyword arguments kw_args are those given to the model to instantiate it: model(*args, **kw_args). Calling instance.__prior__() mutates instance, but that's fine, because instance is a copy of the original, so no harm done. The implementation of instance.__prior__ can access learnable parameters through

  4. For every previous model = model.condition(x, y) or model = model.noiseless call, the corresponding operations are performed on instance in the same order:

    instance.__condition__(x, y)
  5. We're done! The result instance is returned. instance is populated with parameters, has constructed its prior, and has done any potential conditioning, so it is ready to be used e.g. for sampling: instance.sample(x).

Automatic Model Instantiation: @instancemethod

From what we've seen so far, you can create a model and sample from it in the following way:

# Create a model.
model = GPModel(1, 1, 1e-2)

# Sample from it at inputs `x`.
parameters = Vars(tf.float32)
instance = model(parameters)
sample = instance.sample(x)

This pattern is slightly suboptimal in two ways:

  1. You need to constantly carry around a variable container parameters.

  2. You need to not forget to instantiate the model (calling model(parameters)) before doing an operation like sampling.

The decorator @instancemethod is designed to help with these issues. If you decorate a method with @instancemethod, then that indicates that that method can only be called on instances of models rather than models. If you call an @instancemethod without instantiating model, then the decorator will automatically instantiate the model with the variable container model.vs, assuming that it is available. That is, if model.sample is an @instancemethod, then model.sample(x) automatically translates to model(model.vs).sample(x). model.vs does not automatically contain a variable container: you will need to assign it one.

# Create a model.
model = GPModel(1, 1, 1e-2)

# Assign a variable container.
model.vs = Vars(tf.float32)

# Sample from the model.
sample = model.sample(x)

Description of Models

The Model class offers the following properties:

Property Description
model.vs A variable container which will be used to automatically instantiate the model when an @instancemethod is called uninstantiated. You need to explicitly assign a variable container to model.vs. Once the model is instantiated, (or from within the class) can be used to initialise constrained variables. is not available for uninstantiated models. As an example, after instantiation,, 5)) returns a randomly initialised orthogonal matrix of shape (5, 5) named parameter_group.matrix. ps behaves like a nested struct, dictionary, or list. See Varz for more details.
model.instantiated True if model is instantiated and False otherwise.
model.prior True if model is not conditioned. Throws an exception if model is not instantiated.
model.posterior True if model is conditioned. Throws an exception if model is not instantiated.
model.dtype If the model is instantiated, this return the data type of If the model is not instantiated, this attempts to returns the data type of model.vs. If neither nor model.vs is available, the data type is automatically determined from the arguments to model.__prior__.
model.num_outputs A convenience property which can be set to the number of outputs of the model.

When you subclass Model, you can implement the following methods:

Method Description
__prior__(self, *args, *kw_args) Construct the prior of the model.
__condition__(self, x, y) The prior was previously constructed. Update the model by conditioning on (x, y). You may want to use @convert. You can either return the conditioned model or mutate the current model and return nothing.
__noiseless__(self) Remove noise from the current model. You can either return the noiseless model or mutate the current model and return nothing.
logpdf(self, x, y) Compute the logpdf for (x, y). This needs to be an @instancemethod and you may want to use @convert.
sample(self, x) Sample at inputs x. This needs to be an @instancemethod and you may want to use @convert.
predict(self) Predict at inputs x. The default implementation samples and computes the mean and variance of these samples, but you can override this implementation. This needs to be an @instancemethod and you may want to use @convert.

For reference, we again show the implementation of GPModel here:

from stheno import EQ, GP

from probmods import Model, instancemethod, cast

class GPModel(Model):
    def __init__(self, init_variance, init_length_scale, init_noise):
        self.init_variance = init_variance
        self.init_length_scale = init_length_scale
        self.init_noise = init_noise

    def __prior__(self):
        """Construct the prior of the model."""
        variance =
        length_scale =
        self.f = GP(variance * EQ().stretch(length_scale))
        self.noise =

    def __noiseless__(self):
        """Transform the model into a noiseless one."""
        self.noise = 0

    def __condition__(self, x, y):
        """Condition the model on data."""
        self.f = self.f | (self.f(x, self.noise), y)

    def logpdf(self, x, y):
        """Compute the log-pdf."""
        return self.f(x).logpdf(y)

    def predict(self, x):
        """Make predictions at new input locations."""
        return self.f(x, self.noise).marginals()

    def sample(self, x):
        """Sample at new input locations."""
        return self.f(x, self.noise).sample()

Prior and Posterior Methods: @priormethod and @posteriormethod

It might be that the implementation of an operation, like sampling, is different for the prior and posterior. You can use the decorators @priormethod and @posteriormethod to provide different implementations for the prior and posterior. These decorators will also automatically instantiate the model, so there is no need for an additional @instancemethod.


from probmods import Model, priormethod, posteriormethod

class MyModel(Model):
    def __prior__(self):
    def __condition__(self):
    def sample(self):
        return "sample from the prior"
    def sample(self):
        return "sample from the posterior"
>>> model = MyModel()

>>> model.sample()
'sample from the prior'

>>> model.condition().sample()
'sample from the posterior'

Important note: The decorators @priormethod and @posteriormethod should always be the outermost ones.


The package offers an implementation of one model: Transformed. Transformed takes an existing model and transforms the output of the model, e.g., to deal with positive data or to normalise data.


model = Transformed(
    GPModel(1, 1, 1e-2),

The first argument tf.float32 indicates the data type of the parameters that you would like to use. Transformed then automatically creates a variable container and assigns it to model.vs. The second and third arguments are the model to transform and the specification of the transform. The following transformations are possible:

Transformation Description
"normalise" Subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation. The mean to subtract and the standard deviation to divide by are computed from the data to which the transform is first applied; these values are then remembered.
"positive" Perform a log-transform. This is handy for positive data.
"squishing" Perform a transform which suppresses tails. This is handy for heavy-tailed data.

You can combine transforms by joining the strings with a , or +. For example, "normalise+positive" first applies a log-transform and then normalises the data. For a more detailed description of, please see probmods.bijection.parse.

Finally, the optional keyword argument learn_transform can be set to True or False (default) which specifies whether the parameters of the data transform should be learned.

Model Fitting

To fit a model, you can just call, y). The default implementation simply maximises model.logpdf(x, y). See for a description of the arguments to fit.

If you want to provide a custom fitting procedure for your model, then you can implement a method for fit:

from probmods import fit

def fit(model: GPModel, x, y):
    ...  # Custom fitting procedure.

Note that this will only apply to models which are of the type GPModel. For example, this will not apply to Transformed(dtype, GPModel(...)). To implement a fitting procedure for a transformed version of GPModel, the following is possible:

from probmods import fit, Transformed

def fit(model: Transformed[GPModel], x, y):
    ...  # Custom fitting procedure.

Automatic Model Tests

The function probmods.test.check_model can be used to perform some basic assertions on a model. See the documentation for more details.


An interface to facilitate rapid development and deployment of probabilistic models







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