It's Miller Time is my personal, fun project born out of a common request because who doesn't love a good video showcase? The initial idea was to create a full-stack, fully-deployed web app that pulls data from an Azure-hosted API while the front-end chills on GitHub Pages. As it stands, it's a simple MVP that does exactly what it needs: grabbing a list of my videos from the database and showing them through a snazzy YouTube player component. Just pass the video ID, and voila! While it's basic for now, this is just the beginning. More features are coming soon, but hey—MVP reached, so it’s Miller Time! 🍻
- Frontend: React, TypeScript
- Data Fetching: React Query
- CI/CD: GitHub Actions
- Code Formatting: Prettier
- YouTube Player: Utilizes a third-party YouTube Player component for video playback
The project will have ongoing development for already existing API endpoints and features. Some of these features will include:
- Login Process
- Creating Accounts and Submitting Your Own Videos
- Admin Page to View and Approve Submitted Videos
The backend for the application is available in the repository below: Miller Time API
Wesley Mitchell - "If you want more, just buy me Miller Lite...."