This is a coding practice to show how my programming is. This repository only focuses on the PHP-Backend. So please do not expect it to look anything near nice.
The assignment is to create a small blogging application. Hence the name of this repository. The task is to focus on the backend, a well designed frontend is nice but not neccessary. The tasks are as follows:
- No use of a pre-existing framework (no MVC-Framework)
- Usage of libraries is allowed
- The PHP-Code has to be object oriented
- All class names, variables, database objects have to be named in English.
- The frontend has to be in German.
- The date format has to be German independently of the server or client settings
Implicit assumtions:
- There should not be an XSS attack vector
- There should not be an SQL-Injecion attack vector
The features are as follows:
- Use a MySQL-Database
- There has to be a startpage.
- On the top of the page there has to be an image, linking to the start page
- Below the image, there have to bee some links
- Startseite -> linking to the start page
- Login -> linging to the login page (only if not logged in)
- Eintrag hinzufügen -> linking to the add entry page (only if logged in)
- Logout (only if logged in)
- Overview
- It has to display the newest 3 blog entries on default.
- It has to show the title of each blog posting as Date, Title, Number of Comments
- The date part has to be "Heute" if the posting is from today
- Each posting should show a maximum of 1'000 Characters. If the post is longer, that print the 1'000 Characters and add a link to read more.
- Display the author's name below each posting. Use either the display name or the full name
- The name has to be clickable. The link has to go to the author's page.
- If there are older entries than displayed, include a link to the next batch. If there are no older postings, don't show the link
- The user should get to the detail page by clicking one of the following: Headline, Read more link
- Author's page
- Same as the Overview page, but only display entries by the selected author
- Detail page
- Display the complete post
- Show the number of comments below
- Display ALL comments to that article
- Display each comment in this format: Name [URL if entered] (am [Date] um [Time]) meinte \n [Comment]
- All comments have to be numbered using sequential numbers starting with 1
- Display a form to add a comment (see Definition of Comments)
- On Form Validation errors show an error message and prefill all form fields with their previuos values
- Definition of Comments:
- The user may enter the following fields:
are required fields- All other fields are optional
- Additionally save the comment auhores IP Address
- Think about a solution to stop comment spam
- On saving of a comment, send an email to the author of the article
- This email has to show all the recorded fields in a human readable format
- The subject has to be "Neuer Kommentar zu [Article title] von [Name]"
- The user may enter the following fields:
- Login
- While logged in, the article title on the detail page has to also show the author's IP address
- While logged in as the author of the article, there has to be a link to the edit page
- Under the same condition there also has to be a button to delete the currently visible entry. Before the actual deletion there has to be a JavaScript confirmation dialog. Only on pressing Yes should the article be deleted
- Impressum
- Display all authores with name and address (Street, City + ZIP Code)
To start the solution, you need to setup the database from the schema located in the schema
folder. The DocRoot Folder is /public
. Please also update the database settings in config.php
- Make a well designed frontend (perhaps with Bootstrap)
- Add visual database schema
This is a showcase project. Therefore it is licensed under AGPL. For more see the LICENSE FILE