Other Laguage Introduce: 中文文档
- for the complex system online tracing.
- support online debug.level log.exception and error collect.performance monitor and depend reloation picture
- for the https://github.com/weiboad/fiery
- PHP5.3+ with bcmath
- charset utf-8 project
copy the nginx/fiery_fastcgi_pararms -> nginx/conf and edit the vhost config
listen 80;
charset utf-8;
root /path/xxx/xxx/src/public;
server_name xxx.com;
location /{
index index.php index.html index.htm;
if (-f $request_filename) {
if (-d $request_filename) {
if ($request_filename !~ (\.css|images|index\.php.*) ) {
rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php/$1 last;
location ~ /index.php/ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
include fiery_fastcgi_params; # here is the point
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_read_timeout 600;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
include fiery_fastcgi_params; # here is the point
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_read_timeout 600;
# reload the nginx config
nginx -s reload
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@demo.com
DocumentRoot "e:\wwwroot\demo"
ServerName my.demo.com
ErrorLog "logs/my.demo.com-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/my.demo.com-access.log" common
# start config the variable for fierysdk
SetEnv RAGNAR_LOGPATH /data1/ragnar/ # here is the point
SetEnv RAGNAR_IDC 0 # here is the point
SetEnv RAGNAR_IP # here is the point
<Directory "e:\wwwroot\demo">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Run command to get this composer
composer require weiboad/fierysdk
insert code on the bootstrap of php project
use \Adinf\RagnarSDK\RagnarSDK as RagnarSDK;
use \Adinf\RagnarSDK\RagnarConst as RagnarConst;
//for the Temporary disable this sdk
//default log level is info you can Temporary open the debug level by send header
//filter url
//when the url contained parameter on path such as
//http://wwwei.com/usr/$uid(an var alway change)/fetch
//you must write an rule on this callback filted to http://wwwei.com/usr/releaced/fetch
RagnarSDK::setUrlFilterCallback(function ($url, $hashquery) {
if (trim($url) == "") {
return "";
if (stripos($url, 'http') !== 0) {
$url = "http://" . $url;
$urlinfo = parse_url($url);
return $url."#PARSERERROR";
if (!isset($urlinfo["scheme"])) {
$urlinfo["scheme"] = "http";
if (!isset($urlinfo["path"])) {
$urlinfo["path"] = "/";
if (!isset($urlinfo["query"])) {
$urlinfo["query"] = "";
if ($hashquery) {
return $urlinfo["scheme"] . "://" . $urlinfo["host"] . $urlinfo["path"] . "?" . $urlinfo["query"];
} else {
return $urlinfo["scheme"] . "://" . $urlinfo["host"] . $urlinfo["path"];
//this must run at latest
//ragnar_projectname is you project name will use on log folder name
//Ragnar level log example
// this is info log you can see this on tracing page on fiery
RagnarSDK::RecordLog(RagnarConst::LOG_TYPE_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, "module1_msg", array("msg"=>"i wish i can fly!"));
// this is debug log
RagnarSDK::RecordLog(RagnarConst::LOG_TYPE_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, "module2_msg",array("msg"=>"i wish im rich!");
//customize performance dig point example will display on tracing page on fiery
//dig start
$digpooint = RagnarSDK::digLogStart(__FILE__,__LINE__,"ragnar_test");
//run something.....
//dig end
- level log:set the log level to decide the customize log to dump
- log search:all the log in the level will be show on the tracing page.
- exception and error:will be show on the error statistic page
- performance:a easy way the record the function cost time and make an statistics on curl mysql api
- LOG_TYPE_TRACE trace log for the low level debug
- LOG_TYPE_DEBUG Debug log
- LOG_TYPE_NOTICE notice log on the system
- LOG_TYPE_INFO info for the tips the working status
- LOG_TYPE_ERROR when the system error will record this level
- LOG_TYPE_EMEGENCY emegency log that will send SMS or Email to admin
- LOG_TYPE_EXCEPTION Exception log
- LOG_TYPE_PERFORMENCE performance log all the dig point will use this
curl dig point
//curl must fill
$digpooint = RagnarSDK::digLogStart(__FILE__, __LINE__, "curl");
//curl init ....
$nextrpcidheader = RagnarSDK::getCurlChildCallParam($digpooint);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $nextrpcidheader);
$result = //curl exec ...
$ext = array("errorno" => $errno, "error" => curl_error($this->ch));
$info = curl_getinfo($this->ch);
//digCurlEnd($digPoint, $url, $method, $postParam, $getParam, $curlInfo, $errCode, $errMsg, $result)
RagnarSDK::digLogEnd($digpooint, array(
"url" => $info['url'], "method" => self::get_method(),
"param" => array("post" => $this->post_fields, "get" => $this->query_fields),
"info" => $info,
"error" => $ext,
"result" => json_decode($result,true),//must array
Mysql dig point
//this for record the exception when the error
RagnarSDK::RecordLog(\Adinf\RagnarSDK\RagnarSDK::LOG_TYPE_EXCEPTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, "mysql", array("fun" => "query", "sql" => $sql, "error" => $ex->getMessage()));
//start monitor the performance
$digPoint = RagnarSDK::digLogStart(__FILE__, __LINE__, "mysql");
//do some sql execute
//for the mysql performance dig point end
//RagnarSDK::digLogEnd($digPoint, array("sql" => $sql, "data" => "sql的参数", "op" => "select\delete\update\...", "fun" => "execute_sql"));
RagnarSDK::digMysqlEnd($digPoint, $sql, "sql的参数", "select\delete\update\...", "execute_sql");
//if is error
RagnarSDK::RecordLog(RagnarConst::LOG_TYPE_EXCEPTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, "mysql", array("fun" => "execute", "sql" => $sql, "error" => $error));
online change the log level by send header
X-RAGNAR-RPCID rpcid (spanid)