- nginx
- acme.sh
- nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker
- modsecurity 3.0.3
- modsecurity crs 3.2.0
- (minicron)
- (docker-signal)
- (docker-compose)
# pull image
./docker-compose pull
# create directories, .env and install nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker
# copy default vhosts on port 80 to
cp .conf.d-example/000-default.conf .conf.d-example/999-last.conf .conf.d/
# start with minimal config
./docker-compose up -d
# get nginx container name and add to .env
echo SIGNAL_CONTAINER=$(./docker-compose ps nginx | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1) >> .env
./docker-compose up -d
# get certificate for "live app" (change to your domain)
./docker-compose exec nginx acme.sh --issue -d example.com -w /usr/share/nginx/html
# create vhost for "live app" (change to your domain)
sed -e 's/INSERT-DEFAULT-DOMAIN/example.com/g' conf.d-example/001-live.conf > conf.d/001-live.conf
# create default vhost on port 443 (change to your domain)
sed -e 's/INSERT-DEFAULT-DOMAIN/example.com/g' conf.d-example/000-default-ssl.conf > conf.d/000-default-ssl.conf
# start your "live app" with docker and connect to the network of this stack
# edit conf.d/001-live.conf and change "live:80" to container name and port of you live app
# look for an example app in example-app/docker-compose.yml
# reload nginx config through HUP signal
./docker-compose kill -s HUP nginx
# open live app (change to your domain)
curl http://example.com