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Implementation of NL Maps for Amsterdam

This repository builds nlmaps with a configuration file for Amsterdam, specifying Amsterdam's map styling and map layers. In addition, this repository contains several wrapper scripts which bundle the resulting nlmaps build with functionality for specific use cases, like querying certain API's when the map is clicked. These specific cases are:

  • point query (users selects a coordinate in a map and information about it is returned)
  • multiple feature select (users selects one or more objects, parking spots in this case, and information about the selection is returned).

How it works

This repo installs a local copy of nlmaps, then compiles it with the custom configuration file at config/amsterdam.config.js. In test/ are html and js files for testing:

  • unit-test.js tests code internally
  • browser-test.js tests integration and accessibility in a headless browser
  • index.html: tests/demonstrates Amsterdam configuration of nlmaps
  • pointquery.html: tests/demonstrates single-click functionality with a feature query.
  • multiselect.html: tests/demonstrates multiple feature selection from a feature datasource.


Changes to the config file (config/amsterdam.config.js) and to the functionality of the wrapper scripts should be reflected by updating the version field in package.json.

When nlmaps receives an update, the nlmaps_version field in package.json should be incremented to the new nlmaps version. The build process for amaps looks at this field to determine which release of nlmaps to pull and build.

Usage summary

with npm, for local development

  1. npm install
  2. npm run nlmaps fetches and installs latest release of nlmaps and builds with custom config
  3. npm run build-amaps compile the wrapper scripts and assets.

To serve (required before running test and lint): npm run serve.

To test: npm run test

To lint: npm run lint

development server

Instead of running the above commands separately, you can run a live-reloading development server: npm run dev. This watches src/ and the config file in config/amsterdam.config.js, rebuilds and runs tests on changes. You can access the demo html pages at:

localhost:8080/index.html localhost:8080/pointquery.html localhost:8080/multiselect.html

If you want to serve and test without using the dev command, the server needs to be running in a separate terminal window.

production build and releasing

to build for production, which puts output in dist/ instead of test/dist/, run:

npm run build-amaps -- --production

dist/ will contain browser and Ecmascript builds of the Javascript for the amaps applications.

To subsequently create a release, create a tag, push it to Github, and annotate the tag so that it shows up on the 'releases' tab.

with docker (used by Jenkins CI)

from a fresh install with no build_nlmaps docker image on your machine:

To run the http server in Docker: docker-compose up --build -d serve (accessible on port 8095)

To run tests and lint:

docker-compose up --build --exit-code-from test test
docker-compose up --build --exit-code-from lint lint

how to use in a project

The amaps is dependent on amsterdam stijl package so is recomanded to install this in the project as well

npm install amsterdam-stijl
npm install amsterdam-amaps

import 'amsterdam-amaps/nlmaps/assets/css/nlmaps.css';
import 'stijl/dist/css/ams-stijl.css';

Import one of the next modules for specific functionality:

import amaps from 'amsterdam-amaps/amaps';
<or> import pointquery from 'amsterdam-amaps/pointquery';
<or> import multiselect from 'amsterdam-amaps/multiselect';

Create the amaps with the custom configuration options

// For example
const options = {
    layer: 'standaard',
    target: 'mapdiv',
    marker: false,
    search: true,
    zoom: 0,
    onQueryResult: () => {}