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Front is a administration panel for Laravel. It allows you to create CRUD easily in minutes. It allows to fully customize any part of the code.

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This package was inspired on Laravel Nova.

Front is a administration panel for Laravel. It allows you to create CRUD easily in minutes. It allows to fully customize any part of the code.

Differences with Laravel Nova:

  • Front is created just with PHP, so there isn't any dependency with any javascript framework.
  • It tries to be simpler to modify and adapt to any use.
  • Menu is not generated automatically



The easiest way to install Laravel Front is using the base-laravel-front project as a base. But in case you want to install manually you can follow the next instructions.

  • Install via composer executing composer require weblabormx/laravel-front
  • Execute php artisan front:install to install all necessary files (Will install configuration file and views)

Adapt the layout

  • Add on your layout the code @yield('after-nav') as there is where Laravel Front shows the menu
  • Add on your layout the code @yield('content') as there is where Laravel Front shows the content of the cruds
  • Add on your layout the code @yield('sidebar') as there is where Laravel Front shows the filters on the menu
  • Add on your layout the code @stack('scripts-footer') as there is where Laravel Front shows the javascript info
  • Add on the layout the next code @include('flash::message'), this will show the success and errors messages
  • This package requires of jquery, so please be sure that its called before executing @yield('scripts-footer')
  • You can edit anything on the views published on views/vendor/front to adapt to your previous desing.
  • Edit the config.front to select the correct layout

Layout example

<main class="container-fluid container">
    @if(View::hasSection('sidebar') && strlen(trim(View::getSections()['sidebar']))>0)
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-3 py-4">
            <div class="col-sm-9 py-4">
        <div class="py-4">



Laravel Front makes a use of different items that can be defined on the next way:

  • Front Resources: Basically is the front end information about a model and that is wanted to have a CRUD. The resources saves information about which fields show on the cruds.
  • Actions: Are actions that can be added to a resource, for example can be a resource for Reservations and there can be an action for "Mark as Paid"
  • Filters: Filters works for filtering the data on the index page of a crud, for example for Reservations page you can filter the results to only show payed reservations
  • Fields: The resources can have fields to show information
    • Inputs: Are all the fields that add information as Text, Number, Select
    • Texts: Are fields that only shows information as Alert, Title
    • Components: Are more sophisticated fields that help on something like Panels, Line, FrontIndex
    • Workers:_ Are helpers that executes something, this always return a value.
  • Massives: Define how a massive edition should work. For example you can have the users CRUD, each user have a lot of reservations, and you want to edit massively all reservations for this user, you can add more information on this classes, for example, adding a new button that says "Remove all" or "Send request"
  • Pages: Are information pages that only shows information, for example the Dashboard page
  • Cards: Are information cards that can be shown on pages, for example: The total money earned today, The total debt, etc
  • Lenses: Diferent views for an index page for a CRUD, for example Products can have different views or reports, one in general, other showing and ordered by most selled, etc.


A resource is a class that allows you to configure all the information about the front end of a Laravel Model. Things as fields, url, buttons and more are configured on this file.

Registering resources

The front resources are saved by default on App\Front folder. You can generate a new front using the artisan command (In this case a new resource alled Page):

php artisan front:resource Page

A new file on App\Front\ will be added, you need to configure there the fields, base url and model direction.

And then you will need to add the route. This will generate a access on /pages (It uses the plural name)


The front resources needs to have a Policy name, so please create a Policy for the model and be sure that are defined on the AuthServiceProvider (Just if you are using different folder for models as Laravel detects it automatically)

Working with resources

There are some basic variables that can be added on the resource

public $title;      // Field name of the title (Name is the default value)
public $model;      // Direction of the model
public $base_url;   // Url created on routes (Required)
public $actions = ['index', 'create', 'store', 'show', 'edit', 'update', 'destroy']; // If you want to modify which actions to be available



If you need to run some algorithm just when you visit the resource you can use Index().

    public function index()
        return $message;


Modifying query of results

If you want to modify the results of CRUD you are able to modify it with indexQuery function

public function indexQuery($query)
    return $query->where('team_id', 1)->with(['user'])->latest();


If you need to insert a data that is not found between the fields of your resource, you can use the create function.

    public function create($data)
        return Team::current()->blog_entries()->create($data);


you can create a button with the function Index_links which will appear in the main view of the resource.

    public function index_links()
        return [
            '/admin/multimedia/create?is_directory=1&directory_id='.$this->currentFolder()  => '<i class="fa fa-folder"></i> '.__('Create').' '.__('Folder')


It works in the same way as index_links, the difference is that the button will appear when visiting some data from our resource.

    public function links()
        return [
            '/admin/multimedia/create?is_directory=1&directory_id='.$this->currentFolder()  => '<i class="fa fa-folder"></i> '.__('Create').' '.__('Folder')


By default a pagination is created with 50 elements, if you want to modify the quantity you can add a new attribute called pagination on the resource

public $pagination = 50;

Actions to be executed after a crud action is done

You can add to any resource some actions to be done after something is done adding the next functions on the Front File

  • index()
  • show($object)
  • store($object, $request)
  • update($object, $request)
  • destroy($object)


Each resource contains a fields method, where it returns an array with the list of all the fields that the resource should have.

use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\ID;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Text;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\HasMany;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Date;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Boolean;

public function fields()
    return [
        Text::make('Email')->rules(['email', 'required']),
        Boolean::make('One Off Is Active')->default(true),
        Boolean::make('Recovery Is Active')->default(true),
        Date::make('Updated At')->exceptOnForms(),

Field column convention

As noted above, Front will "snake case" the displayable name of the field to determine the underlying database column. However, if necessary, you may pass the column name as the second argument to the field's make method:

Text::make('Name', 'name_column')

Attributes of the fields

Showing / Hidding Fields

  • hideFromIndex
  • hideFromDetail
  • hideWhenCreating
  • hideWhenUpdating
  • onlyOnIndex
  • onlyOnDetail
  • onlyOnForms
  • onlyOnEdit
  • onlyOnCreate
  • exceptOnForms


  • rules
  • creationRules
  • setValue
  • setDirectory
  • default
  • setWidth
  • filterQuery
  • options

You may chain any of these methods onto your field's definition in order to instruct Frpmt where the field should be displayed:


Dont show input if there are values set

Sometimes we would want to hide an input if we set the value on the request side or if we are using the create button on a relationship, for that we can use of function called hideWhenValuesSet, this is compatible with all inputs.


Conditional values

If we want to show an input based on the value of another input we can do it using the conditional($condition) function or conditionalOld($column, $value) functions. To this to work is required to have conditionize2 (Already loaded with the EasyJsLibrary)

    'normal' => 'Normal',
    'specific' => 'Specific'
Text::make('Another Name')->conditionalOld("type", 'specific'),

The only differences between conditional and conditionalOld are the versions of conditionize2 library.

Field Panels

If your resource contains many fields, your resource "detail" screen can become crowded. For that reason, you may choose to break up groups of fields into their own "panels":

You may do this by creating a new Panel instance within the fields method of a resource. Each panel requires a name and an array of fields that belong to that panel:

use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\ID;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Text;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Components\Panel;

public function fields()
    return [
        Panel::make('General Information', $this->generalInformationFields()),

public function generalInformationFields()
    return [

Field types

All the fields available on front:

  • Autocomplete
  • BelongsTo
  • BelongsToMany
  • Boolean
  • Check
  • Checkboxes
  • Code
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Disabled
  • File
  • HasMany
  • Hidden
  • ID
  • Image
  • Input
  • Money
  • MorphMany
  • MorphTo
  • MorphToMany
  • Number
  • Password
  • Select
  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Time
  • Trix

Text types

  • Alert
  • Heading
  • HorizontalDescription
  • Paragraph
  • Table
  • Title


  • FrontCreate
  • FrontIndex
  • Line
  • Panel
  • ShowCards
  • Welcome

Laravel Front is growing so it is normal that we are adding new types of fields and it is not documented yet, if you want to see all the types of fields that your Laravel Front project has go to vendor\weblabormx\laravel-front\src\inputs


if you want to insert some data from another table you can do it with BelongsTo referencing the model that has the data you need.

    public function fields()
        return [

Create the relationship in the model

    public function currency()
        return $this->belongsTo(Currency::class);


If your resource has a relation of many you can use the HasMany, indicating the model it relates to:

    public function fields()
        return [

Create the relationship in the model in plural.

    public function videos()
        return $this->belongsTo(Video::class);


The morphTo field corresponds to a morphTo of the eloquent relation, for example if a price model has a polymorphic relation with the courses and products models, the relation can be added to the price resource in this way.

    public function fields()
        return [

in the course and products model

    public function prices(){
        return $this->morphMany(Price::class,'priceable');

Remember to follow the eloquent able structure for polymorphic relationships.

Massive editions

If you want to a relationship resource to be edited massively just add enableMassive() function.



If you need to use the Image field you will have to change FILESYSTEM_DRIVER = local to FILESYSTEM_DRIVER = public in the .env file.


Sometimes you also need to change to public on the route config\filesystems.php.

'default' => env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER', 'public'),


You can add filters to a resource to filter the data, the filters are stored on App\Front\Filters folder. You can add filters by executing the command php artisan front:filter FilterName

Once you execute the command by first time the folder will be generated and the filter SearchFilter will be added automatically.

Once is created you need to add it on the resource page

public function filters()
    return [
        new SearchFilter,

Adding a default value

You can add a default value to the filter by adding the attribute default

class ActiveFilter extends Filter
    public $default = 1;


You can add actions buttons to any resource, so for example if you want to resend email for a Reservation you can create a new action that will resend the email.

Just create a action on App\Front\Actions, the structure is similar to the next file

namespace App\Front\Actions;

use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Text;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ResendEmail extends Action
    public $show_on_index = true; // If true it will show the icon on the index page

    public function handle($object, Request $request)
        // Execute what you want to do

    public function fields()
        // Do you need to ask some information? You can avoid this function if just want to execute an action
        return [

    // if you want to create a permission
    public function hasPermissions($object)
        return true;

Then add on the front resource (Reservation on this case) the next function

public function actions()
    return [
        new ResendEmail


IndexAction works the same as Actions, the difference is that the button will appear at the beginning of the resource, Actions appears when you visit a data.

namespace App\Front\Actions;

use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Text;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ResendEmail extends IndexAction
    public function handle($object, Request $request)
        // Execute what you want to do

    public function fields()
        // Do you need to ask some information? You can avoid this function if just want to execute an action
        return [
public function index_actions()
    return [
        new ResendEmail


You can create pages on the system, on the routes you need to add it easily with Route::page('PageName', '/'); and execute the command php artisan front:page PageName

You will able to change the data on app/Front/PageName


To create lenses just create the class on app/Front/Lenses/ folder. The lenses have the next structure:

namespace App\Front\Lenses;

use WeblaborMx\Front\Traits\IsALense;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Date;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Number;
use WeblaborMx\Front\Inputs\Money;
use App\Front\Fuel;

class FuelByDate extends Fuel
    use IsALense; // Required

    public $lense_title = 'By Date'; // Title of the lense

    public function fields()
        return [
            Number::make('Quantity', 'quantity_sum'),
            Money::make('Price', 'price_sum'),

Then you need to add the lense to the resource (In this case, the Fuel Front File)

namespace App\Front;

use App\Front\Resource;
use App\Front\Lenses\FuelByDate;

class Fuel extends Resource
    public function lenses()
        return [
            new FuelByDate

The lenses have the same functionality as the Front Resources, so you customize fully the way it works.

Customizing the theme


You can customize the sidebar of the Front Panel editing the file on resources/front/sidebar

Support us

Weblabor is a web design agency based in México. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on our website.

Does your business depend on our contributions? Reach out and support us All pledges will be dedicated to allocating workforce on maintenance and new awesome stuff.


Front is a administration panel for Laravel. It allows you to create CRUD easily in minutes. It allows to fully customize any part of the code.






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