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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 27, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Webhook Overview

This repository is for the Webhook CMS layer. There are several other repositories in Webhook's core.

  • webhook - The Webhook command line tools.
  • webhook-generate - The local runserver for Webhook.
  • webhook-cms - The CMS layer and frotend GUI. A single page Ember app.
  • webhook-server-open - The production server for serving and regenerating live Webhook sites.
  • webhook-images - Image resizing for the Webhook frontend. For Google App Engine.

If you are interested in self-hosting Webhook, check the instructions here.

Webhook CMS

The Webhook CMS is the CMS layer of Essentially it is a one-page Ember app based upon Ember App Kit. It uses an ES6 Module Transpiler which allows for ES6 module syntax. The code for the Ember app is in the app directory.

The CMS provides two primary functions.

  • Inserting data into a Firebase location following this format.
  • Sending calls through websockets to the local generator and production server to rebuild your site.

How to install for local development

Important: You need a working Webhook site account to develop on the CMS.

Steps to install:

  • Clone this repo and navigate to the webhook-cms directory
  • Run npm install for node dependencies
  • Run bower install for front-end dependencies
  • Look for <meta name="siteName" content="test" /> in app/index.html and change test to your site name. You can always wh create a new trial site if you want to work with scratch data.
  • Run grunt server, which loads on localhost:8000. It will activate livereload on changes to your JS, Handlebar and Sass files.

Widgets in the form builder

Webhook uses a form builder to construct the various data entry forms users will use in the CMS. We call the different fields the Formbuilder allows "widgets".

The config/environment.js file names every widget the Form Builder allows. Each widget is organized into a controlType and a controlTypeGroup. Below is an example of the number widget:

  name     : 'Number',       // display name for widget
  widget   : 'number',       // id for widget
  iconClass: 'icon-list-ol', // icon for the button used in the Form Builder.
  valueType: null            // 'object' is the only supported non-null value type

The widget id field determines the proper template and code to execute in the CMS. If the value you are going to store is not a string or number, you must use the 'object' valueType. There are three differnt templates for each widget all located in the app/templates/widgets directory.

  • app/templates/widgets/_number.hbs is the template used for data entry by users.
    • These load into app/templates/widgets/common/formbuilder-widget.hbs, which is the common template for all widgets.
  • app/templates/widgets/info/_number.hbs is the template used when you edit the widget in the formbuilder.
    • These load into app/templates/form/_nav.hbs, which is a common template for all widgets.
  • app/templates/widgets/value/_number.hbs is the template used on the list view in the CMS. Like a list of existing blogs.

Validation for all widgets is done in app/utils/validators.js.

Handlebar helpers

Helpers are located in app/helpers.

  • resize-image: Accepts a width, height, a grow parameter. If grow is not specified, images will be resized to width/height but small images will not be filled in. If grow is set to true, small images will be filled into resize dimensions.