A vanilla JS SPA movie web app using TMDB API.
Main Features • How To Set Up • How To Test • Credits • License
This can serve as a specification:
- Movies in theaters - Show latest movies currently available in theaters
- This is the home page.
- Initially 20 "In Theaters" movies are loaded.
- After searching for movies, you can go back to "In Theaters" movies if you click on the logo in the header
- Search as you type
- While you type, the web app will look for the movies matching your request.
- The results contain up to 20 movies
- If you empty the input search, the web app fallbacks to the "In Theaters" movies
- Infinite Scrolling
- When you scroll to the bottom, 20 more movies are shown
- As long as you don't refresh the page, the movies "In Theaters" are kept in a 'store' variable
- If you modify your search, the result of the previous search is not kept in the 'store' variable
- Movie basic information - the following information is displayed
- Picture
- Title
- Year
- Genres
- Average vote
- Overview
- Movie details - these are shown when clicking on a specific movie. Clicking again will hide it. The following details are displayed
- Movie videos (e.g. trailer)
- Reviews
- Similar movies
For the API to work, you need to request an API key from TDMB. Check How do I apply for an API key?
here for more information.
Enter the following in your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ismaile7/moviefinder
# Go into the repository
$ cd moviefinder
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
Enter your API key in src/settings.json
To run the web app, open dist/index.html
in your browser.
If you update the code in src
, you need to run npx webpack
E2E testing is used in this web app.
The web app uses Cypress.
Once you have installed the web app, you can run:
$ npm run cypress:open
This web app uses the following open source packages:
Twitter @ismaileb7