A module to upload contract ABI to, allowing for automated security audits and analytics!
Install the module and the post-install script will add a migration script to your migrations folder.
Then run truffle migrate
and the script will handle the rest, uploading your contract ABI to our upload endpoint! 🚀
npm install web3data-deploy
The postinstall.js
script may fail if it does not have the proper permissions.
If this is the case, run:
chmod +x node_modules/web3data-deploy/scripts/postinstall.js
and then:
npm explore web3data-deploy-- npm run postinstall currently supports Ethereum Mainnet & Ropsten Testnet.
You may see an error:
[ Uploader ] INFO: Network, 'X', not supported by amberdata. Contract ABI not uploaded.
This could occur if you are deploying to an unsupported network or (and more likely) the network id in your truffle.js file is wrong.
Make sure that the network id corresponds with the JSON RPC network ids:
: Ethereum Mainnet"4"
: Rinkeby Testnet
Like so:
// truffle.js
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8545,
network_id: '*' // Match any network id
rinkeby: {
network_id: 4
mainet: {
network_id: 1
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This project is licensed under the Apache Licence 2.0.