We do work. Plus, we share.
DO NOT commit/edit documentation files or delete the automated-build
Projects should be added with their own directory and an index.md
or index.html
Although front matter is required, it is handled by the automatic deploys. Instead, meta is generated from _config.yml
Key | Required | Description |
title |
required |
Project name. (i.e. "Fryr") |
slug |
required |
Project location on github.io docs |
tagline |
required |
Project description (i.e. "A command-line lint warrior") |
logo |
File name, with the file located in the _includes folder (i.e. maximus.svg ). Assumes title if not supplied |
js_download |
Links directly to <project-slug>.js in the project's root folder, master branch. Accepts true (leave undefined if false ) |
zip_download |
Links directly to GitHub's ZIP of the project. Accepts true (leave undefined if false ) |
show_demo |
Support a demo page (must be demo.html ). Accepts true (leave undefined if false ) |
Projects automatically through the Travis deploy. On each successful build, projects notify this repo and trigger a fresh build to recompile the docs.
into the cloned GitHub repo (very important because Travis needs to detect the project), and specify the files that should be copied to the documentation site in wearefine.github.io.manfiest.txt
. For example:
Next, add the notification script notify.sh
AUTHOR_EMAIL=`git log -1 --format=%ae`
SHA=`git rev-parse --verify HEAD`
# ENV variables are passed to the deploy.sh script and used in the commit message
"request": {
"message": "Automated: New build started by '$AUTHOR_EMAIL' on wearefine/'$REPO_NAME'@'$SHA'",
"branch": "automated-build",
"config": {
"env": {
# $AUTH_TOKEN is an encrypted variable that must be generated per project
# See https://github.com/wearefine/wearefine.github.io/blob/master/README.md#travis-ci
curl -s -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Travis-API-Version: 3" \
-H "Authorization: token $AUTH_TOKEN" \
-d "$body" \
Add the .travis.yml
language: generic # Or relevant language
- chmod ugo+x notify.sh
- '[ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ] || ./notify.sh'
Using the Travis CI CLI gem, login, generate a token, and encrypt it. The token is automatically added to .travis.yml
travis login --org
travis encrypt AUTH_TOKEN=$(travis token --org) --add
Note: A new encrypted token must be generated for each repo, it cannot be copied between projects.
Finally, add the GitHub repo slug to REPOS_TO_COMPILE
in deploy.sh script:
REPOS_TO_COMPILE='fae fine-forever frob-core fryr maximus slim-gym fun-fancy-project'
git clone git@github.com:wearefine/wearefine.github.io.git
ruby 2.2 <=
bundle install
Run jekyll server
to serve the site at http://localhost:4000
. Some links will not work because they rely on variables generated by GitHub on build. Again, DO NOT edit documentation files directly as they are autogenerated.