Projects for AMATH582 Wi20
Project 1: Analysis of Canine Ultrasound Data: utilizing Fourier methods for signal filtering (MATLAB) Project 2: Time-Frequency Analysis of Handel and Comparison of Piano and Recorder Compositions: utilizing Gabor, Gaussian, Shannon, and Ricker filter kernels to analyze piano and recorder compositions (MATLAB) Project 3: Object Tracking and Analysis Utilizing Singular Value Decomposition and Principle Component Analysis: utilizing singular value decomposition to track a moving object in video frames (Python) Project 4: Image Principle Component Analysis and Music Classification Using Singular Value Decomposition: utilizing singular value decomposition, signal filtering, and scikit-learn classifier algos to analyze facial images and classify music by genre (Python) Final Project: Improved Music Classification Using Singular Value Decomposition and Feature Scaling, utilizing singular value decomposition, signal filtering, and scikit-learn classifier algos to build an improved music classifier by examaning the effects of feature scaling and train/test split size on classifer performance