Authors: Nikola Cumic, Brian Chiang, Bonie Wang, Xinying Wang
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This app explores the fascinating realm of worldwide earthquakes, aiming to uncover patterns, extract insights, and gain a deeper understanding of these seismic events that shape our planet. By analyzing a dataset spanning multiple regions and time periods, we embark on a journey to explore the nature of earthquakes and their impact on our world.
All the visualizations and analysis have revealed the high extent of the dangers of the circum-Pacific seismic belt. This area is experiencing the highest frequency of intense magnitude earthquakes with magnitudes exceeding 8. These large magnitude earthquakes can cause extensive damage to infrastructure, trigger landslides, and potentially generate tsunamis. The plot does indicate that tsunamis are predominantly generated by earthquakes located in areas surrounding the Pacific Ocean. This implies that the circum-Pacific seismic belt is one of the most dangerous seismic zones on Earth, and it’s necessary to enhance protection measures among these areas.