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Releases: wbercx/Chart.StackedBar.js

Stupid mistake

13 Aug 04:17
Choose a tag to compare

Added 'metaData' to the datasetObjects.

13 Aug 02:10
Choose a tag to compare

Added a metaData field to the datasetObjects. This is handy for storing extra information to use with - for example - click events on the canvas.

Fixed mouseleave issue.

05 Aug 05:52
Choose a tag to compare

Tooltip was not disappearing when the mouse stopped hovering over a bar, which is now fixed.

Added singleTooltip support

04 Aug 04:15
Choose a tag to compare

This release adds support for single tooltips. When hovering over a bar, it shows a tooltip for that particular bar, not a summary of the entire stack it is part of.

Set singleTooltip to true in your chart options when creating a new chart instance.

Also changed some syntax and converted tabs to spaces.