This repo install and configure Wazo as a HA service on AWS (Amazon Cloud) or Openstack. The login for the web interface is wazo by default.
- Terraform >= 0.6.16
- AWS account
- Openstack account
Install terraform (
Init the terraform infrastructure.
terraform init wazo-terraform
cd wazo-terraform
Create a terraform.tfvars with your value:
access_key = ""
secret_key = ""
subnet_id = ""
vpc_id = ""
key_name = "" # The key Name you would like to use to connect to the EC2
private_key = "" # Path of your amazon private key to connect to the EC2
user_name = ""
password = ""
tenant_name = ""
auth_url = "http://keystone:5000/v3"
key_pair = ""
key_file = ""
network = ""
Launch this command:
terraform plan -var-file=terraform.tfvars <aws|openstack>
terraform apply <aws|openstack>
At this end to getting informations:
terraform show <aws|openstack>
To remove instance:
terraform plan -destroy <aws|openstack>
terraform destroy <aws|openstack>
Please remove private_ips.txt if you relaunch your instances.
Have fun!