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1 [Script elements] Which of the following script elements blocks the parser while the script downloads?
- A.
<script src=“blah.js”></script>
- B.
<script src=“blah.js” defer></script>
- C.
<script src=“blah.js” async></script>
- D.
<script src=“blah.js” async=“false”></script>
related articles:
- A.
<script src=“script-one” type=“module”></script>
- B.
<script type=“module”>console.log(‘script-two’)</script>
- C.
<script defer>console.log(‘script-three’)</script>
- D.
<script src=“script-four” defer></script>
3 [Caching headers] What does the “Cache-Control: must-revalidate,max-age:31536000” response header tell the browser to do?
- A. Don’t put this in the cache
- B. Cache it, but you can only use it after server validation
- C. Cache it, and you can use it without server validation for 31,536,000 seconds
4 [Caching headers] What does the “Cache-Control: no-cache,max-age:31536000” response header tell the browser to do?
- A. Don’t put this in the cache
- B. Cache it, but you can only use it after server validation
- C. Cache it, and you can use it without server validation for 31,536,000 seconds
- A. HTTP/2 push
- B.
<link rel=“preload”>
- C. HTTP cache
6 [SVG Compositing] We’re animating a <circle>
in an SVG, which of the following animations will be automatically composited in Chrome 57?
- A.
transition: cx 2s;
- B.
transition: cx 2s, transform 2s;
- C.
transition: transform 2s;
- D.
transition: opacity 2s;
7 [DOM Compositing] We’re animating a div
, which of the following animations can be automatically composited in Chrome 57?
- A.
transition: margin-left 2s;
- B.
transition: width 2s, transform 2s;
- C.
transition: transform 2s;
- D.
transition: opacity 2s;
8 [Animating after an event] You have an element with no transform, and the following code. According to the HTML spec, what happens next?
btn.onclick = _=>{ = ‘translateX(200px)’; = ‘transform 0.3s ease-out’; = ‘translateX(100px)’;
- A. It slides to the right
- B. It slides to the left
- C. It does the macarena
- D. It snaps to 100px
9 [Animating after an event] You have an element with no transform, and the following code. According to the HTML spec, what happens next?
btn.onclick = _=>{ = ‘translateX(200px)’; = ‘transform 0.3s ease-out’;
reqiestAmationFrame(_=>{ = ‘translateX(100px)’;
- A. It slides to the right
- B. It slides to the left
- C. It snaps to 100px
- D. It gains sentience, and feels only sadness
btn.onclick = _=>{ = ‘translateX(200px)’; = ‘transform 0.3s ease-out’;
// answer goes here. = ‘translateX(100px)’;
- A.
- B.
- C.
- D. el.innerText
.foo {
min-height: 300px;
max-height: 200px;
- A. foo will be 200px tall
- B. foo will be 300px tall
- C. foo will be 0px tall
- D. Crashes all browsers in a 3 mile radius
const array = new Int8Array(100);
array[‘.9’] = 1;
array[‘1.0’] = 1;
array[‘1.1’] = 1;
array[‘1.2’] = 1;
- A.
- B.
- C.
- D.
document.body.innerHTML = ‘<p>Hello</p>’;
document.body.innerHTML += ‘<p>Everyone</p>’;
document.body.innerHTML += ‘<p>At</p>’;
document.body.innerHTML += ‘<p>I/O</p>’;
- A. 1
- B. 4
- C. 10
- D. 16
<image src=“one”/>
<script source=“two”/>
<link rel=“stylesheet” media=“all” href=“three”/>
<link rel=“preload” href=“four”/>
- A. 1
- B. 2
- C. 3
- D. 4
#1 A. note the
in the question, that’s the point. -
#2 C. type=“module” defer by default. And defer attribute’s not working on inline script.
#3 C.
#4. B. knowing when to cache and when not to.
#5. B.
#6. none of them. SVG + Compositing
#7. B,C and D
#8. A.
#9. A.
#10. A,C and D
#11. B.
#12. A and B
#13. C.
#14. A. note tags that cannot self closing.