- dist ~ Arch
- term ~ foot
- launcher ~ rofi
- wm ~ sway-borders-git
- bar ~ waybar
- fonts ~ Cantarell & Cascadia code
- Resolution ~ 1366x768 (if you have different resolutions, adjust the paddings and margins in waybar/style.css file and gaps in sway/config to fit you screen)
- waybar
- sway-borders-git
- xob (requires you install pulsectl using pip)
- rofi
- foot (optional, but it's recommended for wayland)
important if you already have .local/bin path exported, make sure you comment out the export lines in the install script. it's not a big deal, just to avoid duplicate lines in your shell configs.
backup your .config & .local folders.
clone this repo in your home directory.
make sure you install the fonts and dependencies mentioned above.
run the install script.
cd dots && ./install
reload your session.
Keybind ~ windowsKey+x to spawn terminal. use it to find the rest of the keybindings in .config/sway/config