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The Busino is an "Arduino-compatible" processor board.

Since just about everybody calls their board "Arduino-compatible", even when they are not really very compatible, it is prudent to be more specific. The Busino uses an Atmel&tm; AVR ATmega324P processor. This processor is in a 40-pin DIP (Dual In-line Package) and is pretty compatible with the ATmega328 that is used by the ever popular Arudino&tm; Uno processor board. The ATmega324P is used instead of the AtMega324 because it has a second UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) that is reserved for bus communication between multiple Busino's. The processor runs at 16MHz just like the Uno. The Busino has the same connectors as the Uno so that most of the Arduino Uno compatible shield can be plugged into the Busino. The Busino can be programmed using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment.) Since the ATmega324P has different package pin assignments, a Busino template needs to be installed with the IDE to make it work. Lastly, the Busino uses a USB to serial cable to program the board instead of having a dedicated USB to serial conversion chip. In short, the Busino is extremely compatible with the Arduino&tm; system architecture.

There are three other major features of the Busino:

1 There is 10-pin ribbon cable connector that can be used to bus multiple Busino's together. The Busino uses CAN bus physical layer transceivers (technically ISO-11898 transceivers) over a differential pair for communication. This is exactly the same technology used by automobile manufacturers. It is extremely robust.

This bus has two power buses -- one for supplying power to digital logic (e.g. microprocessors, etc.) and another for supplying power to small motors like hobby servos, etc. The separate power buses, reduce noise and cross talk issues.

2 The Busino also has 4 locations to plug in Mini-Shields. A mini-shield is very similar in concept to an Arduino shield, only smaller. A mini-shield is 5cm × 5cm square and has access to all of the power (5V, 3V, Vin) and signal pins (D0-D13, A0-A5, RESET, etc.) that are accessible to an Arduino shield. Since there are 4 mini-shield locations, up to 4 mini-shields can be plugged into the Busino.

3 The Busino is 100% Open Source Hardware and Software. The PCB's (Printed Circuit Boards) are designed using KiCAD (an open source PCB layout tool.) The Software is released under a GPL software license. You can make any modifications you want, provided that you adhere the very reasonable license requirements. In short, since the Busino team is sharing the stuff with you, we want you to share your awesome modifications back with us. If you can make money selling Busino's, it is your money, not ours.


The schematic and PCB were developed using the KiCAD EDA (Engineering Design Automation) software suite. Like the Busino, KiCAD is also 100% open source with no arbitrary restrictions.

The schematic described below is for the revision B of the board. Each revision is kept in a separate directory. Revision B is kept in the rev_b directory. The schematic can be found in busino.pdf in the rev_b directory.

The schematic is broken into 7 sheets:

  • The top level sheet just shows the common bus that connects together all of the common "Arduino" pins between all the sheets. These include D0-D13, A0-A5, #RESET, AREF, and various power lines -- VIN, 5V, 3V3, GND, MPWR, and MGND.

  • The processor sheet contains most of the meat in that it shows how the processor is wired up to everything -- the bus, the voltage regulators, the reset circuitry, etc.

  • The Arduino shield sheet shows how all of the pins are connected to the standard pins that connect to Arudino compatible shields.

  • The remaining 4 sheets are essentially duplicates of one another, where each sheet documents the two connectors that connect to a mini-shield.

Processor Schematic Sheet

Logic power comes in via VIN and is run through a 5V LDO (Low Drop-Out) LM2940 voltage regulator (U1) and through another 3.3V LDO LM117T-3.3 volttage regulator (U3). It is recommended that at least 6V be provided to VIN. C1, C3, and C5 are 22uF tantalum capacitors to help with regulation. The .1uF capacitor (C8) and .47 Ohm series connection reduces the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of C3 down to between 1 and .1 Ohms. This is required to ensure that the LM2940 voltage regulator remains stable. The LM2940 specification sheet can be found in the docs directory. The 3.3V power output is not used by the processor; it is only there to provide 3.3V to any Arduino compatible shields that get plugged into the Busino. U3 and C5 can be omitted if 3.3V is not required.

The bus is comes in via 2x5 shrouded header (N8). MPWR and MGND are directed to the mini-shields to provide power for motors and such. LGND and LPWR supply the logic power. LPWR is also called VIN because that is what the Arduino folks called it.

The bus signals come in on CANH and CANL which are a differential pair that adhere to ISO-11898. The are fed into a Microchip MCP2562 CAN bus transceiver (U2). The TXD and RXD signals are fed to RXD1 and TXD1 on the processor (U5). The termination jumper (J1) can be configured to supply 120 Ohms of termination if the Busino is at either end of the bus.

The processor is an ATmega324P and comes in 40-pin DIP (Dual In-line Package). The goal is to make the ATmega324P be as compatible as possible with the standard ATmega328 that is used by the Arduino Uno product. Since the ATmega328 comes in a 28-pin DIP there are some differences in the pin assignments. These have been carefully thought out. PB1 and PD4 are connected because the Arduino has both a PWM output and T1 attached to the same line. PD4 has a PWM output and PB1 has T1. Along similar lines, PD7 is connected to PB5, PC0 is connected to PA5, and PC1 is connected to PA4. The standard Arduino 16MHz crystal (X1) and two 18pF capacitors (C2 and C4) connected to XTAL1 and XTAL2.

Since it was basically free to do so, an AVR compatible 2x5 shrouded header (N16) is provided for JTAG debugging. It is expected that only people who really want to do this, will need the JTAG connector, so they will have to find the connector and solder it in.

The processor is programmed to have a bootloader installed in it. Unlike the Arduino, the Busino does not have a dedicated USB to serial connection. Instead it uses a common USB to serial connector from FTDI. The FTDI cable can be either a 5V cable or a 3.3V cable. In general the 3.3V cable is preferred. The FTDI cable plugs into the 1x6 header (N9). The RXD and TXD signals are routed through 1K resistors (R2 and R3) to the RXD0 and TXD0 pins of the processor (U5). The 1K resistor allows an Arduino shield to override the programming that comes in the FTDI cable.

It should be noted that the output of TXD from the processor is 5V. The 3.3V FTDI serial cable has 5V tolerant inputs so no damage occurs. Also, the TXD output from the FTDI cable is either 3.3V or 5V. For the processor #RESET line, any voltage above .6Vcc (= .65V = .3V) is treated as a "high". Both 3.3V and 5V are within specification.

The processor can be reset in any of the following methods:

  • The reset button (SW1) can be depressed.

  • The JTAG adapter (N16) can assert #NRST

  • The bus can send a "break" character which will cause the processor to reset.

  • The host computer can assert #RTS on the FTD cable (N9).

The #RTS signal can be either 3.3V or 5V. This is fed into U4F which is a 74HCT05 open collector inverter. The HCT logic family will treat any voltage that exceeds 2V as a logic "high". The 100K pull-up resistor R4 ensures that the U4F input is pulled high if no FTDI serial cable is plugged in. U4F and U4E basically provide a buffer that converts any 3.3V signals up to 5V. The 100K resistor R12 is needed because U4F has an open collector output.

The two 10K resistors (R7, R13) in conjunction with .1uF capacitor (C6) and Schottky diode (D1) used to generate a #RESET pulse as follows:

  • The #RTS line idles "high". This cause both ends of C6 to be pulled up to 5V, thereby fully discharging C6 so that there is 0V across it.

  • At the beginning of programming, #RTS is asserted low by the programming software for the duration of programming. When #RTS is asserted low, the output of U4E goes low. Since there is 0V across C6, the #RESET line is pulled low as well. This causes the processor (U5) to be reset.

  • Immediately after U4E goes low, starts charging up to 5V through the 10K resistor (R7). Eventually, the voltage on the #RESET line charges up high enough for the processor to decide that the #RESET condition is no longer present and it starts executing instructions.

  • At the end of programming, #RTS goes high again. There is now 5V across C6. When #RTS goes high, the output of U4E is pulled high to 5V and 5V across C6 causes the voltage on the #RESET line to head towards 10V (5V + 5V = 10V.) While the processor #RESET input can tolerate up to 13V, the JTAG #NRST driver may not be as forgiving. Hence, Schottky diode D1 is used to clamp the voltage on #RESET to no higher than 5.2V. (A Schottky diode does not drop more than .2V.)

The bus reset circuitry is not as complicated.

  • The 100K resistor (R11) pulls up the input to U4A to ensure that that no spurious reset occurs if the MCP2562 chip is not plugged in.

  • Since the TXD output idles "high", the output of U4A idles "low". When U4A is "low", it forms a voltage divider from 5V with a 10K resistor and 180 Ohm resistor. This produces a voltage of .09V across .1uF capacitor C7. This is a "low" voltage which is inverted to a "high" through open collector inverter U4B. The 10K resistor R7 pulls #RESET high.

  • To trigger a reset, the bus master send a "break" signal down the line. This causes TXD from the CAN bus transceiver (U2) to go low, and causes .1uF capacitor (C7) to "slowly" charge towards 5V. Eventually, the voltage across C7 exceed 2V and causes U4B to invert the "high" signal on its open collector output. This asserts #RESET low and resets the processor.

  • When the bus master release the reset line by setting the bus back to idle. This causes the U4A output to go low again, which discharges the .1uF capacitor (C7) through the 180 Ohm resistor (R5). C7 discharges back down to .09V. This cause the output of open collector inverter U4B to be pulled back up to 5V by 10K resistor R7 and forces #RESET back "high" again. This causes the processor (U5) to start executing instructions.

The reason why the standard bus data transfers do not trigger a reset is because the worst case data transfer has 1 lower start bit, followed by 9 data zeros, followed by 1 high stop bit. Thus, in worst case the data bus is low 10/11 of the time. The resistor values of R5 and R6 are chosen to ensure that the 1 high stop bit will discharge capacitor C7 faster than the 10 low bits can cause C7 to charge.

Arduino Shield Schematic Sheet

{More here.}

Mini-Shield Schematic Sheets

{More here.}

Rev. B


  • The C1 "+" silk is next to C8. It belongs next to R8. C3 and C1 have "opposite" polarity. [x]

  • C6 and C7 should be 1uF in schematic? [C6 yes, C7 no]

  • Artwork for R4 is covered by U5 socket. [x]

  • R10 artwork overlaps with D2 artrwork. [x]

  • Tie unused inputs of inverter to 0V/5V. [x]

  • Switch from using 74HCT05 to using 74HCT03 for availability reasons. [x]

  • The TXD and RXD lines on the CAN bus transceiver are swapped. [x]


Arduino with a Bus






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