Major thanks to @RailKill & @Jummit for their work
Note: This is hopefully the final version of WAT 6. There are no plans for future features. I want to make a start on WAT for Godot 4.
- Added option to disable test caching, disable if using external editors since not all changes are detected
- Clarify Test Scripts over Tests in CLI Output
- Fix Broken Select Tests dropdown whenever there is a change in the filesystem
- Fix Text window always launching minimized
- Broken Scripts will no longer be picked up in Editor Run Context even if extending from WAT.Test
- Fix GUI debug endless yield on crash
- CLI display time taken displayed to 3 decimal places
- Removed unused crashed from CLI Output
- Added LICENCE back into addons folder
Bugs / Corrections
- Fix Parameterized Testing not including all Parameter Sets
- Various FileSystem Fixes
- Wrap Test Hook & Methods in Try/Catch to prevent Hang on Exceptions from Tests
- Add is_equal_approx
- Add folder_exists & folder_does_not_exist assertions (GDScript)
- Add clear() to director (allows users to call director.clear() to clean up in post())