(skip) [1] Start Eclipse on your local PC, then clone the GitHub repository ("repo") https://github.com/seis-635-fall2018/CrapsSimulation.git. Eclipse asks you where to place the project within a Git directory: you may accept the default or else place it elsewhere. However, it's not a good idea to put it within the Eclipse workspace.
Once cloned, you'll see the Java project 635_craps_simulation within Eclipse's Project Explorer view, with starting (main()) class TestCraps.
This project contains multiple classes that together implement an OO "framework" for simulating multiple games of the casino game of Craps. During Class 2, we will look at the code and discuss how it illustrates the use of inheritance to simulate playing with two fair dice, as well as with other combinations of fair and "crooked" dice. We will also add JUnit unit tests that verify the inheritance behavior of these dice.
Together in class, we'll run TestCraps and discuss the results.
[2] Create an individual GitHub account. Each student should create a free GitHub account at https://github.com if you don't already have one. Try to use your UST email address, with a user name that relates to your actual name. GitHub will send email to your account address, asking you to verify its use; do so. (This will be used for communications such as when you forget your password.) Note that any GitHub repository within such an account is public and may be copied by anyone who knows the repository URL. So don't store confidential info within any of your GitHub repos...
[3] Do the H-1 GitHub Survey (ungraded Quiz) under Class 1 (9/7/18) on Canvas. In it, you'll provide me with your GitHub user account information, thus allowing me to access and grade your submissions within GitHub/Git repositories for course projects and homework.
[4] Complete Step 1 of the Hello World GitHub tutorial: https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/. Name your repository (repo for short) CrapsSimulation, instead of hello-world. You can browse the remaining Steps 2-5 if you wish, but it's not important right now. We'll be looking at this functionality later in the course.
[5] Add the course's GitHub account (seis-635-fall2018) as a collaborator to your CrapsSimulation GitHub repo. It's under the Settings tab; we'll review how to do this in class.
(skip) [6] Push your Eclipse CrapsSimulation project to your own remote GitHub repo. We'll see how to do this in class, using Eclipse's EGit features.