WASAI is a concolic fuzzer for identifying vulnerabilities in Wasm smart contracts, taking EOSIO as the mainly Wasm favored blockchain. The fuzzer is based on our paper, recording:
author = {Weimin Chen, Zihan Sun, Haoyu Wang, Xiapu Luo, Haipeng Cai, Lei Wu},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)},
month = jul,
title = {WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Wasm Smart Contracts},
year = {2022}
|-- fuzz_benchmark.py large scale analysis
|—— bin
| |—— fuzz.py entry file
| |—— complicatedVerification.py RQ3-1
| |—— reduceCov.py RQ3-2
|—— symzzer
| |—— fuzzActions.py main entry
| |—— argumentFactory.py generate seeds
| |—— logAnalyzer.py feedback
| |-- tainter
| | |-- analysis.py constratins generation
| | |-- wasabiHooker.py engine hooks
| | |-- emulator.py symbolic execution engine
| | |-- memory.py memory model
| | |-- opcodes.py opcode table
| | |-- utils.py
| |-- setting.py
| |-- utils.py
- set environment
WASAI should run well on a server with Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04. Please download Docker first.
git clone https://github.com/wasai-project/wasai.git && cd wasai # download the code
sudo docker build -t localhost/client-eos:wasai .
sudo docker run --rm -ti localhost/client-eos:wasai # run a docker container
run example
Execute bin/fuzz.py to get the result.
python -m bin.fuzz <wasmPath> <abiPath> <contractName> <timeout> <fuzzCnt> <saveResult>
# in the docker container
python3 -m bin.fuzz ./examples/batdappboomx/batdappboomx.wasm ./examples/batdappboomx/batdappboomx.abi batdappboomx 300 300 ./rt/ --detect_vuls 020000
WASAI should report a Fake EOS vulnerablity.
[+] Executed EOSPONSER# 68
- Checking Fakeos
[+] final report: {
"name": "batdappboomx",
"time": "5.45s",
"bugs": [
"lava_eos": [],
"lava_notif": [],
"logLifes": []