Xamarin Forms project:
- An MJPG viewer (tested with Axis and KT&C cameras with username and password)
- The iOS side is implemented, but not yet the Android side (without an Android license then just ignore the errors and warnings, the iOS side will still work)
- Handles Basic and Digest authentication (if necessary) with provided username and password
- Built with Xamarin Forms
- FormsWithMJPGPage.cs is the main Xamarin Forms page
- CustomRenderers.cs defines the CustomMJPGImage class based on the Image class
- IosRenderers.cs contains the iOS side renderer of CustomMJPGImage
- IosProcessMJPG.cs implements an NSUrlConnectionDataDelegate based class which creates the frame-by-frame images
- AndroidRenderers.cs defines the (to be completed) Android side renderer of CustomMJPGImage