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A short conclusion on the speed test


The test is done on g4 Sagemaker Instance with device = "cuda"


  1. "load:cpu-ViT-L/14" is our current choice for clip model. Note that even if we pass the device "cuda" to the serve, the model is still firstly loaded from "cpu" and then moved to "cuda" . This is to guarantee that all the operation are implemented in torch.float32 precision.
  2. "onnx/ViT-L/14" onnxruntime-gpu with CUDAExecutionProvider is almost the free lunch. It can produce exactly the same results as 1. It can only require some extra storage space to store the onnx models, which is 1GB around.
  3. "load:cuda-ViT-L/14" this methods loads the clip model directly into "cuda", which makes all the computations are done in torch.float16. This can increase the inference speed but introduce a slightly difference.

The inference speed and add_document() time cost as well as searching performance are shown in the table below:

Model Name Inference Time Image Indexing Time (CBS = 50) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 100) Text2Image Score Image2Text Score device
load:cpu-ViT-L/14 66ms 84ms 10.5ms 95 69 cuda
load:gpu-ViT-L/14 22ms 34ms 9.2ms 95 68 cuda
onnx/ViT-L/14 55ms 67ms 9.5ms 95 69 cuda
onnx16/ViT-L/14 19ms 28ms 6ms 95 61 cuda
mix-precison-openclip/ViT-L/14 33ms 42ms 11ms 98 59 cuda

Recommendations: encourage users to "onnx" version to index the documents. "load:cuda" can be added but we should tell the users they may get different results.

Image Preprocessing

  1. clip.preprocess the default clip image preprocessing takes the PIL.Image as input and process using the PIL functions.
  2. One option is to replace all the PIL.Processing by OpenCV package cv2 . It reads the image as ndarray and process it. This faster but unfortunately, results are different.

The preprocessing speed and there search performance are shown as below. Note that the preprocessing speed varies when different input images are passed.

Preprocessing Method TIME (ms) (PNG File with size = (2162, 762)) TIME (ms) (JPG File with size = (640, 425)) Text2Image Score Image2Text Score
original_clip 27.4 ms ± 94.8 µs 4.39 ms ± 15 µs 97.5 91
opencv 672 µs ± 143 µs 652 µs ± 70.4 µs 90 88

Recommendations: ask the customer the provide the image with a small size and RBG channels (.jpg). This will reduce the preprocessing time in the indexing. I wouldn’t think we should add the opencv preprocessing into our model as the differences are relative large and noticeable.


We focus the inference speed of clip model here.

When we aim to index a document (whether a image or text), the document is passed to the clip model to convert it to tensors by calling the function vectorise() . In our settings, every time we call vectorise() , only one document is passed into the neural network model. For example, if we want to index 1,000 documents, the vectorise() will be called 1,000 times.

The reason that we emphasise this point is to specify the situation that we want to accelerate:

single batch with one example.

This special situation disables a lot of widely used batching based accelerating methods. We should always put this special in our mind when we test the accelerating methods.

While clip_models can take both images and text as inputs and vectorise them into tensors, we mainly focus on the image inputs as they are time consuming. For comparison, an image may take about 80ms to vectorise while a text sentence may take only 10ms.

Image Preprocessing

When an image is passed to the clip_model, there are two step,

    1. image preprocessing,

    2. inference

The image preprocessing step will convert the input to a 3-channel (RGB) normalised image (tensor) with size 224X224X3, however the input size or channel. The code for image preprocessing is:

from torchvision.transforms import Compose, Normalize, Resize, CenterCrop, ToTensor

def _convert_image_to_rgb(image):
    return image.convert("RGB")

torchvision_transform = Compose([
		    #torchvision transform normally takes PIL Image as input
        Resize(224, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC),
        Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)),

The required input type is PIL.Image.

RGB Conversion

Note that the time consuming steps Resize and CenterCrop are implemented before the RGB conversion. This means if an image has 4 channels (e.g., “.png” image with RGBa), these time consuming steps are implemented on a 4 dimensional tensor, which takes longer time than on a 3 dimensional tensor. Following this, one simple way to speeding up the preprocessing step is to swap the order of RGB conversion and those resizing steps, which we have:

rgb_transform= Compose([
# We convert the image to rgb first before resize, centercrop, etc._convert_image_to_rgb,
    Resize(224, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC),
    Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)),

Note that the results will be different for non-RGB images.

OpenCV Conversion

As we aforementioned, the preprocessing is conducted under PIL.Image format. Another widely used image preprocessing package is OpenCV . It is not hard to reimplement the whole process in OpenCV by the following code with the augmennt (package)[].

cv_transform= at.Compose([
    at.Resize(224, interpolation= "BICUBIC"),
    Normalize((0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073), (0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711)),

This is super fast, especially when the input size is large. However, it will introduce a large difference in the result.


Large Scale Test

Model Name Image Indexing Time (CBS = 50) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 100) Text2Image Score Image2Text Score Image2Image
load-cpu: ViT-L/14 84ms 10.5ms 95 69 link
load-gpu: ViT-L/14 34ms 9.2ms 95 68 link
onnx-float16-opencv xx xx xx xx link
onnx32 67ms 9.5ms 95 69 link

For each of these tests, each document consists of a single field (text or image).

The images were locally hosted on a Python image server.

EC2 Instance

Add_Documents() Time


  • CBS == client_batch_size
Model Name Image Indexing Time (CBS = 100) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 100) Image Indexing Time (CBS = 50) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 50) Image Indexing Time (CBS = 10) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 10) Image Indexing Time (CBS = 1) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 1)
Vit-B/32 * 18 7 19 8 26 14 70 65
fast/Vit-B/32 ** 17 6 36 8 44 14 80 80
Vit-L/14 74 9 74 11 80 15 129 65
fast/Vit-L/14 58 9 410 10 420 28 500 139
openclip/Vit-L/14 76 11.8 78 13 89 22 220 14
opencv/Vit-L-14/cuda 73 9 77 11 88 15 218 65
opencv/Vit-L-14/trt todo 73 9 77 11 88 15 218 65
onnx/ViT-L/14 64 9 60 10 71 28 226 139

For onnx/ViT-L/14, there is a converging process in the processing speed. The indexing time starts from 150m/per doc and converges to 64ms/per doc after 40 batches.

Inference Speed

Models Time cost Difference (mean difference normalized by dimension) Comments
load:cpu - ViT-L/14 66.2 ms ± 309 µs N/A The very original clip version, output.dtype: torch.float32
load:cuda - ViT-L/14 18.7 ms ± 245 µs 3.6e-3 We load the model from cuda, output.dtype: torch.float16
load:cuda - mix precision - ViT-L/14 27.3 ms ± 335 µs 3.6e-3 we use torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16) to do inference
open-clip/ViT-L/14 66.9 ms ± 435 µs N/A This is a more reasonable speed on pytorch
cuda:onnx/ViT-L/14 55.7 ms ± 166 µs 9e-6 Using clip_onnx package
tensorrt:onnx/ViT-L/14 47.7 ms ± 639 µs 9e-6 The environment is really unstable,it has very strict requirements on onnxruntime, cuda, tensorrt version
TorchDynam 21 ms ± 234 µs N/A Basicly this is just another version of onnx or tensorrt, so it is not helping, link
kernlai It requires python>3.9 and gpu capability > 8, g5 instancem maybe, link

Preprocessing Speed

TRANSFORMS TIME (ms) (PNG File with size = (2162, 762)) TIME (ms) (JPG File with size = (640, 425)) Comments
original_clip 27.4 ms ± 94.8 µs 4.39 ms ± 15 µs
our_clip_implementation 27.4 ms ± 49.8 µs 4.4 ms ± 16.8 µs
opencv_based 4.8 ms ± 194 µs 1.08 ms ± 3.02 µs
script_based 11.8 ms ± 51.2 µs 2.26 ms ± 21.1 µs
rgb_conversion 18.4 ms ± 28.4 µs 4.47 ms ± 13 µs
grey_conversion 12.7 ms ± 15.5 µs 3 ms ± 60.1 µs
read_from_cv 672 µs ± 143 µs 652 µs ± 70.4 µs


Model Name Text-to-image score (single-label) Text-to-image score (double-label) Text-to-image (trible-label) Image-to-text score Image-to-Image score
Vit-B/32 92.5 78.75 46.7 91 good
Vit-L/14 97.5 82.5 52.3 91 good
fast/Vit-B/32 97.5 72.5 48 88 good
fast/Vit-L/14 90 81.25 52.3 88 good
openclip/Vit-L/14 97.5 82.5 52.3 91 good
opencv/Vit-L-14 90 81.25 52.3 88 good
onnx/ViT-L/14 97.5 82.5 52.3 91 good

Inference Speed breakdown

Time Break Down for function vectorise( )

For the pytorch “Vit-L/14” ,

if we load the model from “cpu”, which is float32

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.s2_inference:The client gives 1 documents to vectorise

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes about 0.005s to load all images. The average time for each image is 0.005s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes about 0.005s to preprocess all images. The average time for each image is 0.005s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It take about 0.011s to encode all images. The average time for each image is 0.011s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes 0.049s to convert the output with float32 to ndarray from cuda

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.s2_inference:It take about 0.071s to vectorise all documents. The average time for each document is 0.071s

if we load the model from “cuda”, which is float16

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.s2_inference:The client gives 1 documents to vectorise

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes about 0.005s to load all images. The average time for each image is 0.005s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes about 0.005s to preprocess all images. The average time for each image is 0.005s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It take about 0.012s to encode all images. The average time for each image is 0.012s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes 0.004s to convert the output with float16 to ndarray from cuda

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.s2_inference:It take about 0.026s to vectorise all documents. The average time for each document is 0.026s

np.abs(np a - np b).sum(). 0.13

if we load the model from “cpu” but cast it to float16

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.s2_inference:The client gives 1 documents to vectorise

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes about 0.005s to load all images. The average time for each image is 0.005s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes about 0.005s to preprocess all images. The average time for each image is 0.005s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It take about 0.011s to encode all images. The average time for each image is 0.011s

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.clip_utils:It takes 0.051s to convert the output with float16 to ndarray from cuda

INFO:marqo.s2_inference.s2_inference:It take about 0.072s to vectorise all documents. The average time for each document is 0.072s

M1 Mac

Add documents part

We test the time of adding a document into index under different batch sizes.

Timing Test (On M1 Mac Device = "CPU")

CBS_ = Client_Batch_Size

Model Name Image Indexing Time (CBS = 50) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 50) Image Indexing Time (CBS = 10) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 10) Image Indexing Time (CBS = 1) Text Indexing Time (CBS = 1)
Vit-B/32 * 64 41 66 64 117 171
Vit-L/14 335 55 345 61 672 128
fast/Vit-B/32 ** 36 22 44 27 80 80
fast/Vit-L/14 410 41 420 48 500 95
openclip/Vit-L/14 295 52 306 63 360 105
opencv/Vit-L-14 280 49 285 66 347 105
onnx/ViT-L/14 426 41 636 58 488 91


Model Name Text-to-image score (single-label) Text-to-image score (double-label) Text-to-image (trible-label) Image-to-text score Image-to-Image score
Vit-B/32 92.5 78.75 46.7 91 good
Vit-L/14 97.5 82.5 52.3 91 good
fast/Vit-B/32 97.5 72.5 48 88 good
fast/Vit-L/14 90 81.25 52.3 88 good
openclip/Vit-L/14 97.5 82.5 52.3 91 good
opencv/Vit-L-14 90 81.25 52.3 88 good
onnx/ViT-L/14 97.5 82.5 52.3 91 good

*Vit-B/32 and Vit-L/14 are openai implementations of clip.

**fast means the model is using opencv preprocessing and using onnx model to inference

Fastclip, with opencv preprocessing and onnx model, can reduce the preprocessing time of model ViT-B/32 without losing performance.

However, onnx model is even increasing the inference time for ViT-L/14

Opencv will affect the performance a littile bit but the results are still acceptable.


This section compares different image preprocessing methods.

original_clip 14.6 0.0 0.0
our_clip_implementation 14.7 0.0 0.0
opencv_based 4.67 1.22 0.19
script_based 8.07 0.037 0.0526
rgb_conversion 12.1 0.031 0.0475
grey_conversion 5.33 0.053 0.121
read_from_cv 0.940 1.22 0.19


Models Time cost Comments Links Difference
ViT-B/32 7.76 ms ± 127 µs N/A N/A N/A
onnx/ViT-B/32 4.16 ms ± 152 µs Using clip_onnx package link 9e-6
open_clip/ViT-B-32/openai 8.05 ms ± 104 µs N/A N/A N/A
Pytorch Dynamic Quantization N/A Does not support GPU (support CPU) link N/A
Neural Magic N/A Does not support GPU (support CPU) link N/A
DeepSpeed N/A Can’t get it work on my windows link N/A
Optimized onnx 4.12 ms ± 152 µs No difference between onnx link 9e-6


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